Papers of Otto Frisch

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
28 BBC Radio: 'At the speed of light' File 1963
30 BBC Radio: 'Causality' File 1964
32 BBC Radio: talk on Einstein File 1965–1973
33 BBC Radio: 'Science and society in the Thirties' File 1965
36-37 BBC Radio: 'Growing points in physics' File 1966-1973
44 Television Companies (U.K.): Anglia Television Limited File 1964
45 Television Companies (U.K.): Associated TeleVision Limited File 1961
51 Radio and Television (Europe): Rot-Weiß-Rot (Viennese radio station) File 1953–1954
58 Films: 'A World in Flight' File 1971
59 Films: Pathé cinéma, 'The atomic development' File 1976–1977
4-6 International Congress for Nuclear Physics, Quantum-Electrodynamics and Cosmic Rays, Basle - Como File Sept. 1949
7 Visit to Stanford University, California File June-Sept. 1950
16-17 Visit to Vienna, arranged by British Council under Foreign University Interchange Scheme File June 1954
18 International Nuclear Physics Conference, sponsored by International Union of Pure and Applied Physics and UNESCO, Glasgow File July 1954
68 Typescript headed 'Frisch' File 1963-1963
70 Letters from [Aage Bohr?] and from F. Sondheimer Item 1967, 1976
72 'β -Ray Spectra and Energy Conservation' by N. Bohr Item
80 'History of Nuclear Physics, Outline' by H. E. Bethe Item 18-21 May 1977
81 Graphs Item 18-21 May 1977
30 Proposed visit to Iran and Pakistan as part of British Council visit File 1960–1961
32 Visit to the U.S.A. File Mar.-Apr. 1962
34 Proposed visit as Visiting Professor, University of Miami File 1963–1965
37 World Jewish Congress, British Section, informal Conference on 'Why Remain Jewish in this Changing World?' File June 1965
44 Visit to Hungary (Budapest), sponsored by Department of Trade and Industry Fairs and Promotions Branch, as part of 'British Engineering Week' File Mar. 1971
48-49 Visit to Sweden and Finland File June-July 1972
51-52 Visit to the U.S.A. File June-July 1973
64 Conference arrangements, programmes etc. File July 1963
2 'Wie die Urankernspaltung entdeckt wurde' Item 1947
5 'Growing points in science III' Item Mar. 1948
6 'Statistics of multiplicative processes' Item 1948