Papers of Otto Frisch

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
215 Walter Meitner and Lotte Meitner-Graf correspondence File 1941
217 Walter Meitner and Lotte Meitner-Graf correspondence File 1943 and later
220 Kurt Blau correspondence File 1966, 1979
173 Lise Meitner draft of 'Was verstehen wir unter Freiheit?' Item 1964
233 'Los Alamos 1943-1945' sketchpad Item 1943-1950
236 Menu cards, programmes used by Frisch for caricature drawings File 1950, 1959
237 Menu cards, programmes used by Frisch for caricature drawings File 1965-1975
241 Miscellaneous caricatures identified by Frisch, R - W File n.d.
3 Photographs in envelope labelled 'J. Franck w[ith] Lise Meitner; Marg. Bohr; Fru Klein. 1963' File 1963
9 Photographs in a large envelope labelled 'Physicists etc.' File c 1930–1950
10 Photograph of Planck by Lotte Meitner-Graf File 1946
14 Group photographs of research students at the Cavendish Laboratory File 1965-1969 and n.d
15 Miscellaneous negatives, some in an envelope labelled 'A.B. Pippard 1961. Boggild and Knud Hansen 1965' File 1961–1965, n.d.
16 Miscellaneous photographs of N. Bohr and of Lise Meitner File n.d.
17 Photograph of a counter Item n.d.
18 12 portrait studies of Frisch, by Lotte Meitner-Graf File n.d.
23 Glass plate negatives labelled 'Hahn and Meitner 1909' File 1909
29-30 2 educational audiotapes by Frisch on radioactivity and nuclear fission File 1974
32 Photograph of Frisch at memorial celebration of 100th anniversary of the births of Einstein, Hahn, von Laue and Meitner, Berlin Item 1979
34 9 boxes of 2" × 2" photographic film slides Item n.d.
35 A box containing 2" × 2" photographic film slides labelled 'Frisch track 6', 'Frisch track 10' etc. Item n.d.
32 Delbrück - Devons File 1948–1979
38 Feld - Feldberg File 1947–1961
40 Fischer - Fokker File 1956–1969
41 Franck, J. File 1934–1952
42 Fraser - Frisch File 1947–1973
44 Gill, E. File 1945–1967
47 Good, I. J. File 1962
51-52 Hahn, O. File 1948-1979, n.d.
54 Haxel, O. File 1954–1976