Papers of Otto Frisch

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
20 Stockholm File May 1956
21 Austrian Atomic Energy Study Group, Vienna File May 1957
22 Conference on Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, A.E.R.E. Harwell File June 1957
27 Visit to American University of Beirut, Lebanon as part of British Council visit File Mar. 1961
28 Dortmund English Festival File May 1961
38 'Perspectives of Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particle Physics, Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry', symposium for Centenary of Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Warsaw File Oct. 1967
40 Visit to U.S.A. File 1968–1970
50 Exploratory Conference on the Future of Science and Technology in Austria, Vienna File Oct. 1972
58 Visit to the U.S.A. File May-June 1977
60 American Physical Society Symposium commemorating 40th anniversary of discovery of fission, Washington D.C. File Apr. 1978
61 Visit to 'Herbstschule' on high energy physics, Maria Laach Abbey, Bonn File 1978–1979
74 '[On the notions of] causality and complementarity' by N. Bohr Item
77 Notes of conference proceedings [the Symposium on relativistic astrophysics, Austin, Texas?] Item 15-16 Dec. 1964
79 'Experimental work with nuclei: Hamburg, London, Copenhagen' Item 18-21 May 1977
4 'Isotope im Dienste der medizinischen Forschung' Item 1947
18 'Thermonuclear weapons (H-bombs)' File 1955
22 'Antiparticles and antimatter' Item 1956
23 Untitled draft on similar subject to 'Antiparticles and Antimatter'. Item n.d.
29 'The new elementary particles' File 1959
38 'Die Bausteine der Welt' and English version, titled 'Particles' File 1967
49A 'Nuclear reactors' File Apr. 1978
53 'On space and time' File 1979
54 'Two stories about a small bear' File c 1950- 1979
55 Meet the atoms: correspondence with U.S. publishers File 1946–1960
69 'Subatomic Particles' File 1959-1961
72-74 'Through the eyes of a scientist' File 1974, 1976
76 Book reviews File 1950–1979
79 Obituaries and biographical writings: M. Born File 1970
80 Obituaries and biographical writings: J. Chadwick File 1974
82 Obituaries and biographical writings: A. Einstein File 1979