Level of description
Digital object |
20 |
Stockholm |
File |
May 1956 |
21 |
Austrian Atomic Energy Study Group, Vienna |
File |
May 1957 |
22 |
Conference on Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, A.E.R.E. Harwell |
File |
June 1957 |
27 |
Visit to American University of Beirut, Lebanon as part of British Council visit |
File |
Mar. 1961 |
28 |
Dortmund English Festival |
File |
May 1961 |
38 |
'Perspectives of Nuclear Physics, Elementary Particle Physics, Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry', symposium for Centenary of Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Warsaw |
File |
Oct. 1967 |
40 |
Visit to U.S.A. |
File |
1968–1970 |
50 |
Exploratory Conference on the Future of Science and Technology in Austria, Vienna |
File |
Oct. 1972 |
58 |
Visit to the U.S.A. |
File |
May-June 1977 |
60 |
American Physical Society Symposium commemorating 40th anniversary of discovery of fission, Washington D.C. |
File |
Apr. 1978 |
61 |
Visit to 'Herbstschule' on high energy physics, Maria Laach Abbey, Bonn |
File |
1978–1979 |
74 |
'[On the notions of] causality and complementarity' by N. Bohr |
Item |
77 |
Notes of conference proceedings [the Symposium on relativistic astrophysics, Austin, Texas?] |
Item |
15-16 Dec. 1964 |
79 |
'Experimental work with nuclei: Hamburg, London, Copenhagen' |
Item |
18-21 May 1977 |
4 |
'Isotope im Dienste der medizinischen Forschung' |
Item |
1947 |
18 |
'Thermonuclear weapons (H-bombs)' |
File |
1955 |
22 |
'Antiparticles and antimatter' |
Item |
1956 |
23 |
Untitled draft on similar subject to 'Antiparticles and Antimatter'. |
Item |
n.d. |
29 |
'The new elementary particles' |
File |
1959 |
38 |
'Die Bausteine der Welt' and English version, titled 'Particles' |
File |
1967 |
49A |
'Nuclear reactors' |
File |
Apr. 1978 |
53 |
'On space and time' |
File |
1979 |
54 |
'Two stories about a small bear' |
File |
c 1950- 1979 |
55 |
Meet the atoms: correspondence with U.S. publishers |
File |
1946–1960 |
69 |
'Subatomic Particles' |
File |
1959-1961 |
72-74 |
'Through the eyes of a scientist' |
File |
1974, 1976 |
76 |
Book reviews |
File |
1950–1979 |
79 |
Obituaries and biographical writings: M. Born |
File |
1970 |
80 |
Obituaries and biographical writings: J. Chadwick |
File |
1974 |
82 |
Obituaries and biographical writings: A. Einstein |
File |
1979 |