Papers of Piero Sraffa

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1 Italian internal passport Item 1916
3 General certificates of good conduct, notice of inclusion in electoral registers Item 1920–25
5 Correspondence between the Home Office, Filippo Turati and Professor Thomas Okey confirming that Sraffa will be allowed entry to Great Britain when in possession of the correct documents File May-Jun 1924
4 Correspondence with the Swiss Bank Corporation File 1963–75
3 Address book Item n.d.
1 Album of obituaries of Angelo and Irma Sraffa Item 1937–43
6 Christies catalogue and documents relating to the sale of Irma Sraffa's jewels File 1944
7 Correspondence between Irma Sraffa and Ada Pontecorvo Item 1946
8 Notebooks containing details of Irma Sraffa's diet Item 1948
1 Folder of papers in the case Mattioli v Stecchini File 1941–56
1 School reports File 1905–1912
1 Copy registration form Item 1917–20
1 Papers relating to the appointment of Piero Sraffa as Director of the provincial labour department File 1922
1 Conclusions of the electoral panel for the chair of political economy, with copies File 1926
10 Draft letter from Piero Sraffa to the Italian Minister of Education on the fact that he may stay in Cambridge for a prolonged period and may never take up his chair at Cagliari on a residential basis again File 1931
12 Correspondence concerning Piero Sraffa's gift of 60 million Lire to the University File 1938–39
15 Papers relating to Piero Sraffa's pension File 1978–79
2 Telegrams to Piero Sraffa asking him to accept the post offered File Jul 1927
2 Letter from A B Ramsay offering Piero Sraffa his MA Item 25 May 1930
3 File of correspondence with Dennis Robertson and the Faculty Board concerning Piero Sraffa's appointment as Assistant Director of Research File 1935
7 Curricula vitarum, letters of application and references for a lectureship in economics File 1945
4 Letter from Richard Kahn asking for a contribution to the Rudi Dutschke appeal Item 9 Jan 1971
1 Correspondence concerning Piero Sraffa's application for a research fellowship File 1933
1 Correspondence and newscuttings relating to the award of the F S Nitti prize File 1958
4 Results of elections to the Academy File 9 Aug 1979
1 Correspondence with Erik Rudberg and Gunnar Myrdal on the award of the Södeström Medal File 1961
3 Seating plan and menu for the award ceremony dinner File 22 Mar 1961
4 Press cuttings of the award with a later article on Piero Sraffa File 1961, 1980
1 Invitation to accept a visiting fellowship with draft reply File 1967
3 Notes on Ricardo, reversing productivity curves, Cannan on Ricardo, Marcel Lenoir, foreign trade and foreign investments and a bibliography on prices and competition File pre 1928