Papers of Piero Sraffa

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
29 Notes, not all in Piero Sraffa's hand on items to be included in the Ricardo edition [Sraffa 1024] File [1930s]
31 Notes of events occurring after 1805 referred to in 'The High price of Bullion' [Sraffa 1098] File n.d.
32 Newscuttings and notes on books and the distribution of land in Ireland [Sraffa 1130] File [? late 19th cent]
35 Letters from F W Fetter and Lionel Robbins [Sraffa 1151] File 1958
39 Notes and cuttings from booksellers' catalogues on Richard Cantillon [Sraffa 1199 or 1200] File 1930s
45 Advertisement for Annals of the social services with a letter from Hiroshi Mizuta [Sraffa 1220] File 1957
I47 Acknowledgement by ANL Munby of a gift to King's College Library [Sraffa 1294] File 1956
48 Letters from Lionel Robbins on G W Norman [Sraffa 1564] File 1957
59 Bibliographical notes on Voltaire [Sraffa 1933] File 1960
60 Typescript catalogue of Malthus' library [Sraffa 1944] File c1950
68 Letter from F B Adams to Bert Andreas on the 'Communist Manifesto' [Sraffa 2127] File 1960
71 Booksellers' invoices with a note on the collation of the Fleet Papers vols 1-3 and a contents list of vol 4 [Sraffa 2156] File n.d., 1970
72 Letter from Thomas W Copland on a letter from Edmund Burke to Michael Smith [Sraffa 2161] (2 docs) File 1959
84 Letters from Gilbert Faccarello [Sraffa 2346] File 1975
97 Letter from [Kaldor] on Keynes' reference to Lenin [Sraffa 2610] File 1974
103 Cutting on Gatcombe Park, letter on the gift of the Ricardo edition to Princess Anne and partial obituary of Kitson Clark File 1977
112 German vocabulary notes [Sraffa 3132] File [1930s]
124 Letter from A [Safroni] [Sraffa 4007] File 1945
134 Letter from Alfredo Medio [Sraffa 7436] File 1968
11 Photographs of paintings [in Milan] with partial list File n.d.
14 Catalogue of Sraffa's papers by Pierangelo Garegnani and Krishna Bharadwaj Item 1980s
86 Libraire des Sciences Humaines File 1958
94 Libreria Antiquari Mediolanum File 1963–70
95 Libreria G Michelotti File 1973
99 Modern Language Association of America File 1966
100 Autographes G Morssen File 1961–66
101 Arnold Muirhead File 1959–67
112 Parke Bernet Galleries File 1958
113 Parker and Son, Oxford File 1965–67
116 Pinkus and Co File 1961–70