Papers of Piero Sraffa

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
239 Arthur Pigou to Piero Sraffa with a copy of a letter from Pigou in Piero Sraffa's hand and a letter from Antonio Segni File 1928–29
242 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Alfred Pongiglione File 1965
244 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa, Ezra Pound and C H Douglas File 1930–31
245 Arturo Pregliasco to Piero Sraffa Item 25 Aug 1967
248 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Elio Quercioli, with a newscutting on the death of Carlo Gramsci File 1968
254 Camilla Ravera to Piero Sraffa Series 1969–75
256 Anne Redpath to Piero Sraffa Item 10 Jun [ ]
259 Piero Sraffa to [Arnaldo] Orfila Reynal Item n.d.
260 Ben Richards to Piero Sraffa Item 14 May 1953
278 Letter from Richard Sayers to Piero Sraffa Item 17 Nov 1973
280 Christian Schmidt to Piero Sraffa Item 30 Oct 1972
286 Anwar Shaikh to Piero Sraffa Item 17 May 1973
296 P Luigi Spaggiari to Piero Sraffa Item 2 Jan 1980
298 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Paolo Spriano File 1969
300 Angelo and Irma Sraffa to Piero Sraffa with a letter from Gianfranco [ ] File 1911-1933
307 Paolo Sylos Labini to Piero Sraffa Item 21 Sep 1971
310 F W Taussig to Piero Sraffa Item 4 Apr 1930
312 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Palmiro Togliatti File 1945–56
314 M Toyokura to Piero Sraffa File 1961
315 G M Trevelyan to Piero Sraffa together with a note that he should be allowed to return to England to resume his duties for Michaelmas term 1945 File 1945–46
317 Fratelli Treves Editori to Piero Sraffa File 1928–34
320 Sofia Tronzano to Piero Sraffa File 1956–71
321 Kyubee Tsuchida to Piero Sraffa with two letters of Shinzo Koizumi File 1955–69
340 M Lamberti-Zanardi to Piero Sraffa File 1950–51
1 Notes Class 1923–63
1 Notebook including presscuttings on economic matters Item 1925–31
140 Brief biographies of proposed Fellows of the British Academy [Sraffa 8239] Fonds 1974
143 Letter from Giorgio Gattei [Sraffa 8312] File 1979
2 Engraving, "Gracchus and Babeuf" Item n.d.
7 English, Russian, Spanish and German vocabulary notebooks Item [1920s]