Papers of Piero Sraffa

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
26 Ricordo di Raffaele Mattioli File 1975
6 A Neoclassical view of the double switch by J Meade, Measuring capital and Luigi Pasinetti's note of changes in the rate of profit etc by D Champernowne and Heterogeneous Capital, the production function and the theory of distribution by Pierangelo Garegnani, tss File 1966–67
15 Typescript of 'The Sraffian revolution' by Alessandro Roncaglia Item 1976
1 Copies and typescripts of printed and manuscript works Class [1525]-1968
6 Two copies of a table of causes of death, 1629-59 File [1659]
7 Photocopies of 'A Discourse shewing the great advantages that new buildings and the enlarging of towns and cities do bring to a nation' File [1678]
12 Photocopies of documents relating to David Hume, with notes by Piero Sraffa File n.d.
14 Typescript copy of 'Paper Mischief Exposed 'by Jeremy Bentham Item [1801]
16 Photocopy of printed correspondence between Saint Simon and Redern Item [19th cent]
19 Microfilm of Saint Simon manuscripts in the Bibliotheque Nationale Item [19th cent]
20 Photographic copy and transcript of a letter from Du Pont de Nemours to Sismondi with a list of letters between the two File [1820]
32 Photocopy of 'The Substance of the speech of Henry Beaufoy, Esq to the British Society for Extending the Fisheries'... with notes on Beaufoy File 1788
2 Booksellers' correspondence Class 1938–75
10 Giuseppe Bassi File 1961
29 Raymond Clavreuil File 1961–73
33 J S Cox File 1961,62
34 G David File 1958–62
39 Lucien Dorbon File 1960
42 Arthur B Drescher File 1960–62
48 Librairie Euphorion File 1963,65
60 Luigi Gonelli File 1965
63 Grinke and Rodgers File 1969
69 R C Hatchwell File 1962,66
80 Kelley and Millman File 1957–63
82 J Kitzinger File 1968
84 Kraus Periodicals File 1969
90 Jean-Jaques Magis File 1958–70
91 Alister Mathews File 1962
93 La Medicea File 1970
102 Peter Murray Hill File 1959–67