Papers of Lord Butler

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
4 Correspondence with (Walter) Dugald Macpherson File 1924–1927
10 Correspondence with (George) Geoffrey (Gilbert) Butler File 1925–1927
11 Correspondence with Mary Butler (neé Kendall) File 1925–1926
12 Correspondence with Dorothy Middleton (neé Butler) File 1926–1959
13 Correspondence with William Julien Courtauld File 1927–1935
20 Letter from Cecilia Townsend File [c.1928]
29 Letters from Samuel Augustine Courtauld File 1934–1948
38 Letters from Adam Courtauld Butler File 1937–1959
44 Letters from Winnie E. Butler (neé Cohen) File 1942
46 Letters from Virginia ('Ginie') Courtauld (née Peirano) File 1942–3
51 Laurence Henry N. Middleton Item 1943
53 Elliott Francis Montague Butler Item 1945
59 Letter from Janetta Colquhoun Sorley (neé Smith) File 1950
66 Letter from Montagu Butler to all four children File 1925
68 Birthday telegram from parents File 9 Dec 1935
70 Letter from G. Barnes File 1921
80 Letters from Eli[sabeth?] Reuss (partly in German) File 1923–1925
81 Letters from Regina Stolberg-Stolberg (partly in German) Item 1923–1931
86 Letters from William ('Willie') Wolfson File 1924–1953
89 Letter from John Harold Clapham File 1924
89a Letter from Robert (illegible) re Rothschilds Item 1924
89c Letter from Charles H.E. Smyth Item 1924
93 Letters from Marjorie Rose McLachlan File 1924-[c.1940]
97 Letter from D.E. Noel-Paton File [1925]
102 Sir Basil H. Bartlett, Bart. File [1925]
105 John F.P. Rawlinson, M.P. File 1925
106 Letter from [ ] Lloyd (secretary to Carlton Club) File 1925
107 Letter from Sir George Younger of Leckie, 1st Bart. File 1925
114 Letters from Erica [?Allen] File 1925–1926
115 Letters from Geoffrey Lloyd File [c.1924]-1928