Papers of Lord Butler

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
22 General political correspondence File 1950
25 General political correspondence File n.d. and 1952
26 General political correspondence File 1952
29 General political correspondence File n.d., 1955–1958
30 General political correspondence File n.d., 1956–1957
40 General political correspondence File 1963
42 General political correspondence File 1964
45 General political correspondence File n.d. and 1965
7 Transcripts of Conference proceedings (incomplete), including RAB's speech on crime and punishment of Fourth Session File 1958
9 Correspondence with local Constituency Associations, chiefly about resolutions on postal voting and football pools prize money File 1960
10 General File of correspondence and Central Office leaflets File 1961
12 Party Conference 1962 File 1962
17 Conservative Central Office general file File 1953–1955
20 Conservative Central Office Speaker's Department 1956-7. File 1953–1957
22 Conservative Central Office'Miscellaneous 1958' File 1957–1958
26 Chairman's main file 1961 File 1960–1961
28 "People and politics" File 1960
32 Minutes of Liaison Committee meetings sent to RAB for information only (incomplete series) File 1962–1964
35 Draft of Peter Goldman's pamphlet County and borough - problems of local government in England and Wales and two drafts of his brief on 'Television' File 1952–1953
36 Conservative Research Department general file. File 1953–1955
39 Conservative Research Department'Miscellaneous 1958' File 1957–1959
40 Conservative Research Department'Miscellaneous 1959' File 1959
41 Conservative Research Department'Miscellaneous papers 1960' File 1959–1960
44 Eduaction Act 1944 File 1943–1961
45 Government of India Act, 1935 File n.d. and 1961
47 Conservative Research Department general file 1962. File 1961–1962
49 Paper entitled 'The Liberal Party' by P[aul] D[ean] File 1962
54 Conservative Political Centre File 1954–1957
56 Correspondence, 'topic' sheets and other Political Centre and Central office pamphlets including "Our Way Ahead" by RAB File n.d. and 1960
62 Conservative and Unionist Party file labelled 'Party 51-82'. File 1944–1945