Papers of Lord Butler

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
85 Rhodesia and general political. U.K. and African press File 1963–1964
92 General political by subject File 1963
94 General, including Russian visit July 1964, 1964 Election, RAB's retirement from politics 1965. Several complete newspapers File 1964–1965
100 Scrapbook 'Volume III. 1935-1937' File 1935–1937
103 Scrapbook 'May 1943 - Dec 1947' File 1943–1947
109 Scrapbook '1959-1961' File n.d. and 1959–1961
111 Scrapbook '1.6.62 to 29.6.64' File 1962–1964
115 Press cuttings on the sale of Gatcombe Park Gloucestershire, by RAB to the Queen for Princess Anne, criticism of purchase from some M.P.s etc. Also original press announcement and letter from the Queen's Press Secretary File 1976
2 Ceremonial for coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, 2 June 1953 File 1953
N Photographs Subfonds 1874–1964
1 Alexander Adam (1741-1809), photograph of portrait by Sir Henry Raeburn File n.d.
3 Photograph of Montagu Sherard Dawes Butler, including in robes of President of Council of State, in dress uniform, in mayoral robes of Cambridge File n.d. and c.1874-c.1943
7 Photograph of John Perceval ('Jock') Butler File n.d. c.1920
10 Photographs of Government House, Nagpur File c.1925
15 Photograph of cutting the cake at marriage of Iris Butler and Gervas Edward Portal File 1927
19 Photographs of Richard Butler File c.1933
22 Photograph of a family group at the christening of Samuel James Butler File 1937
37 Photograph of RAB with Ministry of Labour official in a meeting File 1937/1938
39 Photograph of King George VI with RAB and other delegates to an international meeting at St James's Palace File 1941
41 Photographs of the Conservative Party Conference, Brighton, including RAB speaking File 1947
44 Photographs of a British parliamentary delegation in the Vatican File 1949
49 Photograph of a'Meet the press' session during an International Monetary Fund Meeting, Washington File 1954
50 Part contents of file entitled 'Photographs', including correspondence and publications containing photographs of RAB, photographic prints of RAB with Eugene Black, Dairy Festival Dinner 1957, Harold Macmillan shooting, RAB with Sarah at circus, RAB in robes at a Bristol function, broadcasting in German for BBC, outside 10 Downing Street after announcement of General Election 1959, British Ship Adoption Society Dec 1959, portrait of Geoffrey Butler, RAB and Mollie at Saffron Walden Police Dinner and at Kingston upon Thames, RAB in front of fireplace, presentation of the King of Sweden's Challenge Cup File 1954–1961
52 Photographs of RAB with horses at Gatcombe Park File c.1955
53 Bound volume of photographs of unveiling of H.M. Customs war memorial by RAB File 1955
2 Sir Geoffrey Butler to The Editor of The Times on the Cambridge University parliamentary election Item 4 Dec. [1923]
5 Sir Geoffrey Butler - election address to parliamentary electors of the University of Cambridge Item Nov. 1923
16 The Town Crier, with editorial comment on article by Samuel Courtauld Item 10 Oct. 1942
22 The Magazine of Art: ‘A Note on Gainsborough’ by Harry V. Burnett Item Mar. 1885
23 Extract from The Athenaeum on the Gainsborough Exhibition at the Grosvenor Gallery (ms copy by Mary C. Sharpe) Item 3 Jan. 1885