Papers of Lord Butler

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
12 Cambridge University Conservative Association: Correspondence, publicity material, programmes, press cuttings File 1923–1925
18 The Cambridge Mercury, no.16, containing 2 poems written by RAB at the age of 16 File 1924
19 'Secular Ode on the Jubilee at Pembroke College Cambridge in 1743', by Christopher Smart File 1927
24 Papers re Courtaulds, including lecture notes, paper on government and industry and Chairman's annual report, all by Samuel Courtauld File 1940-c.1946
31 Correspondence re court case of Randolph Churchill v Gerald Nabarro for slander. Nabarro had criticised Churchill's articles in The Daily Express on Sir Anthony Eden and Suez. Churchill alleged he had tested the accuracy of his articles by sending texts to RAB before publication File 1957–1960 and 1963
34 Mastership of Trinity College, Cambridge: Correspondence between RAB and Prime Minister Harold Wilson re appointment. Letter from President of Saffron Walden Constituency Conservative Association to RAB re RAB's possible retirement from politics File 1964–1965
35 Mastership of Trinity College, Cambridge: Press cuttings on appointment File 1965
1 Report of speech by M.S.D. Butler, article on Charles Sorley, article on hereditary genius citing Butler family, funeral service sheet of John Perceval Butler, Christmas card to Montagu Butler File n.d. and 1936-c.1947
2 Collection of autographs, including A. Conan Doyle and Rudyard Kipling (collected by a Courtauld), lock of Montagu Butler's hair, note of gift of badge of Indian Empire Order from George Smith to his son George Adam Smith, sonnets Henry Montagu Butler (1833-1918) on his Silver Wedding of 1913, programme signed by Minnie Mary Smith, copy address by Sir Montagu Butler to Indian Legislative Council File 1876–1929
3 Letter from Lil Courtauld to Sydney Courtauld Item [Nov. 1918]
5 Letter from Lil Courtauld to Sydney Butler Item 13 Oct. 1931
19 Letter from Mary Catherine Sharpe to Sydney Butler Item 12 Jan. 1930
25 Letter from Ann Gertrude, Lady Butler, to Sydney Butler Item [Autumn 1925]
26 Letter from Ann Gertrude, Lady Butler, to Sydney Butler Item 18 Dec. 1928
30 Letter from Ann Gertrude, Lady Butler, to Sydney Butler Item 20 Feb. 1929
31 Letter from Ann Gertrude, Lady Butler, to Sydney Butler Item [Mar. 1929]
38 Letter from Ann Gertrude, Lady Butler, to Sydney Butler Item 05-May-31
39 Letter from Ann Gertrude, Lady Butler, to Sydney Butler Item 11 Jun. 1931
43 Letter from Ann Gertrude, Lady Butler, to Sydney Butler Item 2 Feb. 1933
45 Letter from Ann Gertrude, Lady Butler, to Sydney Butler Item 22 Feb. [1933]
46 Letter from Ann Gertrude, Lady Butler, to Sydney Butler Item 9 Mar. [1933]
50 Letter from Ann Gertrude, Lady Butler, to Sydney Butler Item 25 May [1933]
60 Letter from Ann Gertrude, Lady Butler, to Sydney Butler Item 27 [May 1934]
65 Letter from Ann Gertrude, Lady Butler, to Sydney Butler Item 16-May-37
2 Personal Correspondence of Sydney Elizabeth Butler: letters from Richard Austen Butler File 1925-1942
3 Personal Correspondence of Sydney Elizabeth Butler (continued) File 1923-[1954?]
1 Letter from Sir Montagu Butler to Sydney Courtauld Item 16 Nov. 1925
7 Letter from Sir Montagu Butler to Sydney Butler Item 6 Jun. 1929
8 Letter from Sir Montagu Butler to Sydney Butler Item 9 Jun. 1929
9 Letter from Sir Montagu Butler to Sydney Butler Item 25 Sept. 1929