Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
140 Letter from Edith Agnes Salter to Lord Houghton Item 9 May 1880
141 Letter from T. W. Jones to Lord Houghton Item 13 Jun. 1881
145 Letter from Pauline Anne Hawker to Lord Houghton Item 30 Jun. 1879
147 Verse by John Wrigglesworth: 'The Voice of the Daisy' Item
148-150 Letter from John Wilson to Lord Houghton, enclosing specimens of verse Item 13 Dec. [1863 or later]
155-156 Letter from E. H. Schenck to Lord Houghton Item 4 Nov. 1876
23-25 Letters from Louise Chandler Moulton to Lord Houghton Item 16 Jul. [1870s]-[1878?]
33 Letter from Friedrich Max Müller to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 18 Jun. [1860?]
40 Letter from Charlotte Murchison to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [n.d.]
74-78 Letters from Macvey Napier [the younger] to Lord Houghton Item 16 Jun. [1879?]-25 Oct. [1879?]
86 Letter from Charles, Lord Neaves, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 3 Jun. [no year]
87-94 Letters from Christopher Nevile to Lord Houghton Item 15 Feb. [1864?]-2 Jun. [1869?]
105 Letter from Henry Pelham-Clinton, 6th Duke of Newcastle, to Lord Houghton Item [1865?]
106 Letter from John Henry Newman to Lord Houghton Item 15 Feb. 1869
148-158 Letters from Frances Parthenope Nightingale to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [23 Oct. 1854]-25 Jan.[1856] and undated
164-165 Letters from William Edward Nightingale to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 11 Dec. 1844 and undated
178 Letter from Charles Douglas-Compton, Earl Compton, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 10 Dec. 1839
184 Letter from Cecilia Anne Mary Gore to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 5 May 1851?]
208 Letter from Charles Eliot Norton to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 8 Apr. 1851
217 Letter from John O'Hagan to Lord Houghton Item 11 Nov. 1876
220 Letter from G. T. Oldfield to Lord Houghton Item 31 Oct. 1870
221-224 Letters from Margaret Oliphant to Lord Houghton Item 18 Jul. [1879?]-12 Aug. [1879?]
225 Letter from Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, to Lord Houghton Item 9 Aug. 1879
226-228 Letters from Laurence Oliphant to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 29 Mar. 1855-[1861?]
162-163 Letter from Frances Parthenope, Lady Verney, to Henrietta Eliza Monckton-Arundell, Viscountess Galway Item 26 Sept. 1889
3 Letter from Jane [Milnes] to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [Jun. 1851]
5 Letter from [?] Wyvill to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [Jun. 1851]
7 Letter from [Quintin?] Dick to Richard Monckton Milnes Item [Jun. 1851]
12 Letter from Sydney, Lady Doyle, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 16 Jun. [1851]
14 Letter from Jane, Lady Davy, to Richard Monckton Milnes Item 16 Jun. [1851]