Papers of Sir Dennis Robertson

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1 Photographs of D H Robertson taken while he was at Eton with a later copy of one File [1902–08]
7 Photograph of D H Robertson and others [on a visit to Johnson Brothers of Bootle] with covering letter Item 1958
3 Papers gathered together in preparation for an obituary of A J Robertson File 1943–65
A11 General personal Series 1924-61
1 Economic Advisory Council Series 1930–1936
2 Letter from Maurice Dobb to D H Robertson on College and Faculty business Item 28 Nov 1938
3 London School of Economics Series 1938
B3/1 Letters of congratulation on D H Robertson's election to the Cassel Chair at the London School of Economics File 1938
2 Programme for conferment of honorary degrees at the University of Manchester with a typescript of D H Robertson's speech of acceptance File 1957
6 Royal Commission on Equal Pay Series 1944–1947
2 Royal Commission papers with some notes by D H Robertson Item 1944–45
B7 Interdepartmental Committee on the Rating of Site Values Series 1948
1 Correspondence (together with R M Bissell, I Svennilson and J H Williams) with Dag Hammarskjold on the scope of the World Economic Report Item 1954–55
9 International Monetary Fund Series 1957
10 COPPI Series 1957–1959
2 "The reasons for the check to the rise of output since 1955" by E H Phelps Brown with two letters from EHPB File 1959
5 Letters from A C Pigou to D H Robertson on Harrod File [1930s?]
2 Correspondence with J M Keynes [essentially photocopies taken from the Keynes papers, presumably by Stanley Dennison] Series 1913–1946
6 Correspondence with J M Keynes, some copies, with notes on Keynes' liquidity preference and a typescript of 'The General theory of employment' (QJE article) by JMK Item 1937–41
7 Correspondence with J M Keynes on points in the 'General Theory' with typescript notes by D H Robertson File c1937
3 Correspondence with Harrod etc Series 1928–1959
7 Note on the elasticity of the supply of labour marked by D H Robertson "I cannot remember who wrote this ! It is not MTH's writing, I think" Item pre 1959
2 Typescript of "Mr Keynes and finance", an unpublished article by D H Robertson Item [1938]
4 Correspondence with S C Tsiang File 1956–57
9 Correspondence with Richard Kahn Series 1946–1948
4 Two copies of a cartoon "The Government scratching the ears of the Trade Unions" by Robert Wellings Item n.d.
1 Letter from Jan Graaff concerning Robertson on utility Item 23 Mar 1950
4 Correspondence with Charles Kennedy relating to Kennedy's 'Concerning Utility' Item 1953–54
5 Letter from I M D Little to D H Robertson relating to D H Robertson's criticisms Item 11 Jan 1955
12 Don Patinkin Series 1951–1957