Papers of Sir Dennis Robertson

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
48 Letter from Edgar Jones to D H Robertson Item 7 Jun 1943
55 Letter from William Fellner to D H Robertson on "Swedish concepts" and the time preference theory Item 7 Nov 1946
62 David Wright to D H Robertson Item 9 Oct 1947
70 Letter from William Fellner to D H Robertson Item 16 May 1948
71 Letter from G L S Shackle to D H Robertson enclosing a draft for an article on the rate of interest [wanting] Item 6 Aug 1948
72 Letter from John Williams to D H Robertson Item 13 Aug 1948
77 Letter from Richard Sayers to D H Robertson on Robertson's "What has happened to the rate of interest", interest rates and Item 16 Dec 1948
79 Letter from Tom Wilson to D H Robertson on Wilson's recent publication Item Jan-Feb 1949
82 Letter from Jacob Viner to D H Robertson on Rostow and on the Bank of England's technique for retaining its gold reserves in the 18th and 19th cent Item 25 Jul 1949
85 Letters from Emmanuel Goldenweiser to D H Robertson on Goldenweiser's 'Money Management' Item 1949–51
91 Letter from Rodolpho Tijou to D H Robertson Item 10 Mar 1950
96 Letter from William Fellner to D H Robertson on a formula in an article by Robertson to be published in a festschrift for John Williams Item 26 Jul 1950
98 Letter from Ian Little to D H Robertson on Robertson's corrections to IL's book Item 30 Sep [1950]
99 Letter from A D Knox enclosing an offprint of a review of John Hicks' "Trade Cycle" [wanting] Item 27 Oct 1950
101 Letters from Karl Weinhard to D H Robertson Item 1950–51
104 Correspondence between Ralph Turvey, W J Baumol and D H Robertson concerning Turvey's 'Economic Dynamics' File 1951
108 Letter from [ ] Pipping to D H Robertson after his visit to Finland Item 10 Oct 1951
111 Letter from Charles F Carter to D H Robertson on the workings of the rate of interest and deflation Item 9 Jun 1952
112 Letter from Paul Samuelson to D H Robertson on comments by D H Robertson on PS's "The Transfer problem and transport costs: the terms of trade when impediments are absent" Item 3 Oct 1952
113 Letters of congratulation from economists on D H Robertson's knighthood Item 1953
114 Letter from J M Clark to D H Robertson Item 25 Jan 1953
119 Letter from A D Roy to D H Robertson on "Stonier and Hague p75" File post 1953
120 Letter from Jacob Viner to D H Robertson Item 21 Jan 1954
132 Letter from M J Bonn to D H Robertson on "The Problem of creeping inflation" by D H Robertson Item 4 Mar 1955
133 Letter from Wilfred King to D H Robertson relating to an article by Robertson in 'The London and Cambridge Economic Bulletin' Item 29 Mar 1955
137 Letters from Paul Bareau to D H Robertson enclosing notes relating to an article by Bareau in 'The Economist' File 7 Jul 1955
141 Letter from Philip Wernette enclosing a copy of 'The Future of American Prosperity' [wanting] Item 4 May 1956
142 Letter from Leroy S Wehrle to D H Robertson Item 19 Jun 1956
1 Correspondence between D H Robertson and his mother and father File 1894–1906
6 Letter of Randle F W Holme to D H Robertson with an obituary File 3 Apr 1905