Papers of Sir James Frazer

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
75 Letter from J. Graham Kerr to Lady Frazer Item 8 Dec. 1932
78 Letter from F. Ll. Griffith to Sir James Frazer Item 15 Dec. 1932
79 Letter from P. Giles to Frazer Item 6 Jan. 1933
82 Letter from Alan H. Gardiner to Lady Frazer Item 12 Dec. 1934
83 Letter from Alan H. Gardiner to Lady Frazer Item 1 May 1935
84 Letter from Alan H. Gardiner to Lady Frazer Item 16 May 1935
85 Letter from Alan H. Gardiner to Lady Frazer Item 14 June 1935
89-90 Translations of a letter from Ernst Heymann of Preußische Akademie der Wissenschaften to Sir James George Frazer Item [after 29 Dec. 1933]
110-143 Newspaper cuttings mentioning Sir James Frazer Item 1926-1937
166-187 Newspaper cuttings mentioning Sir James Frazer Item 1940-1941
189 Printed testimonial letter from W. H. Thompson Item [after 20 Feb. 1885]
191 Printed testimonial letter from J. Shield Nicolson [i.e. Nicholson] Item [after 21 Feb. 1885]
192 Printed invitation to the Annual Raleigh Lecture on History given by Professor J. L. Morison at the British Academy Item [June 1936]
193 Two printed invitations to the Institut International d'Anthropologie réunion extraordinaire en l'honneur de Sir James Frazer Item [Jan. 1923]
194 Printed invitation to the Saint Andrew's Day Service at Glasgow Cathedral Item [Nov. 1939]
195 Printed invitation to a Garden Party given by L'Ambassadeur d'Angleterre et la Marquise de Crewe Item [June 1923]
197 Decorative sign created by Janetta C. Sorley, of John Masefield's "Truth" Item 1 Jan. 1940
201 Photograph of an unidentified back garden Item [1930s?]
1 Letter from P. Alphandéry to 'Maitre' [Sir James Frazer] Item 18 May 1927
18 Typed letter from Lovat Dickson to Sir James Frazer Item 6 Sept. 1935
28 Typed copy of a letter from J. G. Frazer to S. G. Owen Item [4 Sept. 1937]
29 Letter from Philip B. Goetz to Sir James G. Frazer Item 29 Aug. 1921
35 Typed letter from E. Herriot to Sir James G. Frazer Item 20 May 1927
39 Letter from Eleanor Hull to Sir James and Lady Frazer Item 14 June 1932
45 Letter from B. Malinowski to Sir James Frazer Item 28 Oct. 1920
48 Letter from Camille Nourry-Saintyves to Sir James Frazer Item 15 Mar. 1939
54 Letter from G. Pleinet to [Sir James Frazer] Item [7 Aug. 1925?]
65 Letter from P. Bourdarie of Académie des Sciences Coloniales to 'Monsieur' [unidentified] Item 11 Jul. 1925
66 Typed letter from Casa Editrice Alberto Stock to Sir James G. Frazer Item 10 Nov. 1925
71 Typed letter from M. Thiébaut of 'La revue de Paris' to Sir James Frazer Item 27 Apr. 1927