Papers of Sir James Frazer

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
4 Letter from André Mercier to Sir James Frazer Item 13 July [193-?]
9 Typed letter from Tressilian C. Nicholas of Trinity College, Cambridge to Lady Frazer Item 2 Dec. 1939
16 Letter from S. Reinach to Lady Frazer Item 6 Jan. 1927
17 Letter from S. Reinach to Lady Frazer Item 18 May 1932
18 Letter from Clara Roberts to 'My dear Cousins' [Sir James and Lady Frazer] Item 29 Dec. 1937
21 Letter from W. H. D. Rouse to Lady Frazer Item 3 May 1939
29 Letter from J. Oliver Stephens to Sir James Frazer Item 11 Jan 1933
31 Letter from J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge to Lady Frazer Item 11 Oct. 1931
42 Letter from Israel Zangwill to Lady Frazer Item 11 Jan. 1926
43-44 Letter from Jean Malye of the Société Les Belles Lettres to Sir James Frazer Item [Jan.?] 1935
1 Typescript catalogue, 'Dr. J. G. Frazer's Library' Item 1907
3 Typesript catalogue, 'Additions to Sir James G. Frazer's Library' Item [1922]
7 Plan of Sir James Frazer's Library, Trinity College Item 1 Aug. 1936
32 'Le Renouvellement du feu sacré' [parts I-III] by P. Saintyves [Émile Nourry] in 'Le Revue des Traditions Populaires' Item 1912 Oct.
34 Galley proof of article, 'Age of the Cedars of Mount Lebanon' by Augustine Henry Item 18 Nov. 1915
38 Typescript abstract of a paper by Sir Arthur Evans 'on the relation of the Shaft graves to the Bee hive tombs of Mycenae' Item [Nov. 1926?]
39 Typescript subscription letter from Jean Ebersolt and Rodolphe Guilland for 'Melanges Charles Diehl' Item 24 July 1929
40 Typescript, 'Extracts from "A Hundred Years of Anthropology" by T. K. Penniman' Item [1935?]
43 Manuscript notes made on Franz Liszt and P. Hyacinthe Item [c 1907]
59 Typed notes of local remedies from Lord Moreton Item 15 Dec. 1918
62 Proofreading notes on the 'Fasti' by T. E. Page Item [Aug. 1923]
90-91 Two photographs of 'Akas from Apa Taning [?] country of Greater Thibet' Item c 1918
2 Draft of a translation of a review of 'C. Sallusti Crispi Catalina et Jugurtha' Item [May 1885]
4 Cutting from 'The Hibbert Journal' containing a review of Frazer's 'Lectures on the Early History of the Kingship' by Lewis R. Farnell Item July 1906
7 Typescript of the Preface to 'Questions on the Customs, Beliefs, and Languages of Savages' Item [1907?]
10 Manuscript notes headed 'Psyche's Task' Item [Mar. 1909?]
19-24 Press cuttings of reviews of 'Sir Roger de Coverley and Other Literary Pieces' Item Jan.-Mar. 1920
27 Letter from B. Malinowski to Sir James Frazer Item 12 Sept. 1920
29-32 Bibliographies of fire &c. Item Nov.-Dec. 1920
36 Copy of 'The Papuan Villager' Vol. 1, No. 1 containing an article entitled 'The Fire and the Dog' Item 15 Feb. 1929