Level of description
Digital object |
4 |
Letter from André Mercier to Sir James Frazer |
Item |
13 July [193-?] |
9 |
Typed letter from Tressilian C. Nicholas of Trinity College, Cambridge to Lady Frazer |
Item |
2 Dec. 1939 |
16 |
Letter from S. Reinach to Lady Frazer |
Item |
6 Jan. 1927 |
17 |
Letter from S. Reinach to Lady Frazer |
Item |
18 May 1932 |
18 |
Letter from Clara Roberts to 'My dear Cousins' [Sir James and Lady Frazer] |
Item |
29 Dec. 1937 |
21 |
Letter from W. H. D. Rouse to Lady Frazer |
Item |
3 May 1939 |
29 |
Letter from J. Oliver Stephens to Sir James Frazer |
Item |
11 Jan 1933 |
31 |
Letter from J. J. Thomson as Master of Trinity College, Cambridge to Lady Frazer |
Item |
11 Oct. 1931 |
42 |
Letter from Israel Zangwill to Lady Frazer |
Item |
11 Jan. 1926 |
43-44 |
Letter from Jean Malye of the Société Les Belles Lettres to Sir James Frazer |
Item |
[Jan.?] 1935 |
1 |
Typescript catalogue, 'Dr. J. G. Frazer's Library' |
Item |
1907 |
3 |
Typesript catalogue, 'Additions to Sir James G. Frazer's Library' |
Item |
[1922] |
7 |
Plan of Sir James Frazer's Library, Trinity College |
Item |
1 Aug. 1936 |
32 |
'Le Renouvellement du feu sacré' [parts I-III] by P. Saintyves [Émile Nourry] in 'Le Revue des Traditions Populaires' |
Item |
1912 Oct. |
34 |
Galley proof of article, 'Age of the Cedars of Mount Lebanon' by Augustine Henry |
Item |
18 Nov. 1915 |
38 |
Typescript abstract of a paper by Sir Arthur Evans 'on the relation of the Shaft graves to the Bee hive tombs of Mycenae' |
Item |
[Nov. 1926?] |
39 |
Typescript subscription letter from Jean Ebersolt and Rodolphe Guilland for 'Melanges Charles Diehl' |
Item |
24 July 1929 |
40 |
Typescript, 'Extracts from "A Hundred Years of Anthropology" by T. K. Penniman' |
Item |
[1935?] |
43 |
Manuscript notes made on Franz Liszt and P. Hyacinthe |
Item |
[c 1907] |
59 |
Typed notes of local remedies from Lord Moreton |
Item |
15 Dec. 1918 |
62 |
Proofreading notes on the 'Fasti' by T. E. Page |
Item |
[Aug. 1923] |
90-91 |
Two photographs of 'Akas from Apa Taning [?] country of Greater Thibet' |
Item |
c 1918 |
2 |
Draft of a translation of a review of 'C. Sallusti Crispi Catalina et Jugurtha' |
Item |
[May 1885] |
4 |
Cutting from 'The Hibbert Journal' containing a review of Frazer's 'Lectures on the Early History of the Kingship' by Lewis R. Farnell |
Item |
July 1906 |
7 |
Typescript of the Preface to 'Questions on the Customs, Beliefs, and Languages of Savages' |
Item |
[1907?] |
10 |
Manuscript notes headed 'Psyche's Task' |
Item |
[Mar. 1909?] |
19-24 |
Press cuttings of reviews of 'Sir Roger de Coverley and Other Literary Pieces' |
Item |
Jan.-Mar. 1920 |
27 |
Letter from B. Malinowski to Sir James Frazer |
Item |
12 Sept. 1920 |
29-32 |
Bibliographies of fire &c. |
Item |
Nov.-Dec. 1920 |
36 |
Copy of 'The Papuan Villager' Vol. 1, No. 1 containing an article entitled 'The Fire and the Dog' |
Item |
15 Feb. 1929 |