Papers of Sir James Frazer

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
44 Typed copy of a letter from W. K. McClure to Granville-Barker Item 7 Nov. 1934
49 Typed letter from Émile Nourry to Sir James Frazer Item 24 May 1924
51 Letter from Frédéric Passy to Abbé [Breuil] Item 21 Sept. 1909
52 Letter from Archbishop Luigi Josef Puecher Passavalli to Emilie Hyacinthe-Loyson Item 17 Apr. 1872
57 Letter from Theodora Roscoe to Sir James and Lady Frazer Item 28 Aug. 1936
59 Letter from Firmin Roz to Sir James Frazer Item 26 Nov. 1921
61 Letter from P. Saintyves to Sir James and Lady Frazer Item 22 Jan. 1933
63 Typed letter from Émile Setala of La Société Finno-Ougrienne to Sir James Frazer Item 2 Dec. 1913
67 Letter from Ch. Guignebert to Sir James Frazer Item 12 Nov. 1923
70 Postcard from J. S. to J. G. Frazer Item 19 Feb. [1907?]
72 Letter from Janette S. Thomas to Sir James Frazer Item 9 Aug. 1929
73 Letter from Janette S. Thomas to Miss Leach Item 1 Aug. [1929]
77 Letter from E. St. John Brooks of the 'Times' to Sir James Frazer Item 2 June 1925
78 Letter from J. Webb of The Times to Sir James Frazer Item 23 June 1925
83 Typed letter from B. L. Richmond of 'The Times Literary Supplement' to Sir James Frazer Item 22 Aug. 1930
88 Typed letter from J. S. M. Ward to Sir James Frazer Item 16 Oct. 1924
91 Letter from Edwin E. Willoughby to Sir James Frazer Item 9 Aug. 1930
93 Letter from Frank Worthington to Sir James Frazer Item 29 Nov. 1925
94-99 Six letters from A. E. Wyse to Sir James Frazer Item Nov.-Dec. 1929
104 Letter from Dorothy Young to Sir James Frazer Item 1 Aug. 1929
106 Letter from Dorothy Young to Sir James Frazer Item 3 Sept. 1929
107 Letter from Dorothy Young to Sir James Frazer Item 24 Sept. 1929
108 Letter from Dorothy Young to Sir James Frazer Item 15 Oct. 1929
119 Incomplete letter from an unidentified person to Sir James Frazer Item 28 Sept. [192-?]
4-9 Photographs, prints, and tracings depicting dancing Item [1895?]
20-28 Nine incomplete manuscript playscripts Item [c 1895-1910?]
31 Manuscript draft of 'Aïol' Item [1903?]
32-33 Drafts of 'The Millionaire-Poet, or The Silent Wife' Item [192-?]
37 Incomplete manuscript draft of a story about Raphaël Della Robbia Prodgers Item [c 1910?]
45-63 Miscellaneous writings and notes Item [c 1890?-1920?]