Papers of Sir James Frazer

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
14 Corrected proof of 'Report of Gathering in the Old Combination Room, Trinity College, Cambridge, March 1st and 2nd, 1927, on the occasion of the Fifth Frazer Lecture delivered by Dr. R. R. Marett, March 2nd, 1927' Item Mar. 1927
15 Two copies of the corrected first proof of part of [? 'Christianity and the French Revolution' by A. Aulard, translated by Lady Frazer] Item Dec. 1926
3 Typescript of 'Notebook TRIN. The Fear of the Dead' Item 3 May 1931
4 Draft of addition to the Commentary for Book V Item [1929?]
10-11 Cuttings of a review and of Roman excavations Item 1928, 1930
2 First galley proof of Book II Item Sept.-Nov. 1927
6 Partial second galley proof of Book VI of the Macmillan edition Item [1929?]
3 Letter from Louis C. G. Clarke to Lady Frazer Item 17 Jan. 1925
5 Letter from Sydney C. Cockerell to Lady Frazer Item 2 Jan. 1925
14 Letter from Mary Gardner to Lady Frazer Item 2 Jan. 1925
20 Letter from George A. Macmillan to Lady Frazer Item 24 Dec. 1924
21 Letter from Paul Morand to Lady Frazer Item 5 Jan. 1924 [i.e. 1925]
28 Letter from Mary G. Sandys to Lady Frazer Item 13 Feb. 1925
32 Letter from J. M. Whittaker to Lady Frazer Item 19 Jan. 1925
34 Letter from B. P. [Pauline de Broglie Pange] to Lady Frazer Item 7 Jan. 1925
35 Letter from [W. L. ?] to Lady Frazer Item 5 Jan. 1926 [i.e. 1925]
44 Letter from Félix Peeters to Sir James Frazer Item 2 Apr. 1928
50 Letter from John Roscoe to Frazer Item 22 Dec. 1922 [i.e. 1926]
51 Typed letter from A. W. Van Buren to Sir James Frazer Item 3 June 1930
57a Letter from T. E. Page to Lady Frazer Item 28 Jan. 1926
62 Letter from George A. Macmillan to Frazer Item 15 Feb. 1926
63 Receipt for Frazer's Commentary on Ovid's 'Fasti' Item 26 Feb. 1927
63a Notes for a meeting with [George Macmillan?] regarding his edition of [the 'Fasti'?] Item [1927?]
64 Typed letter from Emery Walker to Sir James Frazer Item 13 Nov. 1928
72,75 Letter from H. H. E. Craster of the Bodleian Library to Sir James Frazer Item 9 Mar. 1928
76 Letter from Leonard Whibley to Rouse Item 10 Mar. 1928
81 Letter from H. Ormont of the Bibliothèque Nationale to Sir James Frazer Item 6 Feb. 1928
82 Letter from H. Ormont of the Bibliothèque Nationale to Sir James Frazer Item 27 Feb. 1928
84 Typed letter from Schnorr v. Carolsfeld of the Bayerische Staats-Bibliothek to Sir James Frazer Item 29 Mar. 1928
85 Letter from G. Mercati of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana to Sir James Frazer Item 29 Feb. 1928