Papers of Sir James Frazer

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
21-33 Cuttings relating to 'Aftermath: Notes Supplementary to "The Golden Bough"' Item 1936-1937
35 Typescript draft, 'The Object of Head-hunting' Item [1937?]
37-44 Cuttings relating to 'Totemica: A Supplement to Totemism and Exogamy' Item 1937-1938
48 Incomplete typescript draft of 'Baba the Imp' Item [1937?]
50 Page proof of 'Pasha the Pom' Item [1937?]
54 Letter from E. E. Kellett to Sir James and Lady Frazer Item 21 Oct. 1937
55 Letter from Marjorie Meek to Sir James and Lady Frazer Item 23 Oct. 1937
63-67 Cuttings relating to Speech Day at Ashville and New College Item 4-9 July 1938
68 Manuscript draft of an address to M. Loisy Item [192-?]
73 Drawing of Sir J. G. Frazer by Powys Evans reproduced in 'The London Mercury' Item Oct. 1925
80 Incomplete manuscript draft of an unidentified speech given by Sir James Frazer in French Item [192-?]
1 Letter from H. Virchow and P. Traeger of the Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte to Sir James Frazer Item 20 July 1913
2 Letter from Sébastien Charléty to Sir James Frazer Item 20 Nov. 1921
3 Typed letter from Sébastien Charléty to Sir James Frazer Item 3 Feb. 1922
5-10 Cuttings Referring to Frazer and the Order of Merit Item 1927-1941
12 Letter from Le Chef du Service of the Ministère des Affaires Étrangères to Sir James Frazer Item 9 Feb. 1928
16 Receipt from Bodger & Co., Limited for Sir James Frazer's decorations Item 4 June 1934
17-18 Letter from Robert Kerr of the Scottish Anthropological Society to Lady Frazer Item 1935-1936
20 Certificate of membership in the Athens Archaeological Association Item [30 Sept. 1937?]
25 Typed letter from the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres to Lady Frazer Item 17 Dec. 1924
27 Typed letter from the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres to Lady Frazer Item 30 July 1925
51 Typed carbon copy of a letter from G. Elliot Smith to Lady Frazer Item [after 3 Aug. 1932]
53 Letter from Forrest Dodd to Lilly Frazer Item 29 Nov. 1932
59 Letter from Ellis H. Minns to Lady Frazer Item 12 Feb. 1938
60 Letter from Ellis H. Minns to Lady Frazer Item 15 Feb. 1938
61 Letter from Ellis H. Minns to Lady Frazer Item 23 Feb. 1938
77 Letter from A. Moret to Sir James Frazer Item 11 Dec. 1932
88 Notes for an address to Frazer by an unidentified person Item [1925?]
92 Cutting from 'Vie Intellectuelle' of 'L'oeuvre de J.-G. Frazer' by Olivier Leroy Item 25 Oct. 1938
144-165 Newspaper cuttings mentioning Sir James Frazer Item 1938-1939