Papers of Sir James Frazer

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
19 Letter from W. H. D. Rouse to Lady Frazer Item 6 Jan. 1926
26 Letter from Wickham Steed to Lady Frazer Item 7 Oct. 1935
27 Letter from Frances Steggall to 'My very dear Uncle' Item 26 Apr. 1941
28 Letter from J. E. A. Steggall to Lilly Frazer Item 14 Jan. 1932
30 Letter from J. J. Seznec to Lady Frazer Item [between 1931-1933?]
37 Letter from André Varagnac to Sir James Frazer Item 8 Nov. 1932
4 Typescript catalogue, 'The Library of Sir James Frazer: English Literature, etc.' Item [1935-1940]
5 Typescript catalogue, 'The Library of Sir James Frazer: Anthropology & Folklore' Item Mar. 1937
6 Manuscript list of books not in the library catalogue Item [between 1923-1935]
21 Research Miscellany Series 1888-1941
4 Article headed 'Thirty-three Days' Trial at Kieff. The Closing Speeches. (From our Special Correspondent)' Item 10 Nov. 1913
6 Cutting from 'The Westminster Gazette' headed 'Relativity. The Winning Essay for the Eugene Higgins Five Thousand Dollar Prize' by L. Bolton Item 14 Feb. 1921
7-8 Folklore cuttings: human sacrifices for rain &c. Item June-Oct. 1923
31 Pamphlet, 'Le Rituel du Feu dans l'ancien Shinntô' by Michel Revon Item 1908
35 Typescript of article, 'Initiation rites in the Galla tribe' by Enrico Cerulli Item [post 1922]
42 Envelope used for 'Adonis, Attis, Osiris' Item [1907?]
47 Bound notebook with a manuscript draft of a speech on an Anglo-French alliance, and manuscript notes on books Item [1922?-1934?]
48-55 Manuscript notes on books, the Karens, the Olympic Games and other miscellaneous topics Item [1930s?]
60 Two offprints of 'A Persian Marriage Custom' from 'The Modi Memorial Volume' by R. E. Enthoven Item 1930
61 Incomplete [?] draft of 'The Berlitz Method' in an unidentified hand Item [c 1900?]
63-66 Miscellaneous notes in unidentified hands Item [1900?-1930?]
67-82 Photographs of views in Achaea Item June 1906
92-95 Miscellaneous photographs of icons and a crucifix Item [c 1890?-c 1920?]
35-56 Cuttings relating to 'The Golden Bough' Item 1940-1941
58 Typescript of the Preface to 'Passages of the Bible Chosen for their Literary Beauty and Interest' Item [after 1909?]
23 Writings: 'Les Femmes Savantes' to 'Hommage rendu à Ernest Renan par un étudiant des religions comparées' Series 1903-1935
8 Manuscript draft of bibliography for 'The Influence of Superstition on the Growth of Institutions. A Discourse' Item [Feb. 1909?]
11 Typescript of the Preface to 'Totemism and Exogamy. A Treatise on Certain Early Forms of Superstition and Society' Item [27 Feb. 1910?]
14-15 'Golden Bough' proof mendings Item 1914-1915
18 Typescript of 'Ad libellum suum Auctor' Item [9 June 1919?]