Level of description
Digital object |
19 |
Letter from W. H. D. Rouse to Lady Frazer |
Item |
6 Jan. 1926 |
26 |
Letter from Wickham Steed to Lady Frazer |
Item |
7 Oct. 1935 |
27 |
Letter from Frances Steggall to 'My very dear Uncle' |
Item |
26 Apr. 1941 |
28 |
Letter from J. E. A. Steggall to Lilly Frazer |
Item |
14 Jan. 1932 |
30 |
Letter from J. J. Seznec to Lady Frazer |
Item |
[between 1931-1933?] |
37 |
Letter from André Varagnac to Sir James Frazer |
Item |
8 Nov. 1932 |
4 |
Typescript catalogue, 'The Library of Sir James Frazer: English Literature, etc.' |
Item |
[1935-1940] |
5 |
Typescript catalogue, 'The Library of Sir James Frazer: Anthropology & Folklore' |
Item |
Mar. 1937 |
6 |
Manuscript list of books not in the library catalogue |
Item |
[between 1923-1935] |
21 |
Research Miscellany |
Series |
1888-1941 |
4 |
Article headed 'Thirty-three Days' Trial at Kieff. The Closing Speeches. (From our Special Correspondent)' |
Item |
10 Nov. 1913 |
6 |
Cutting from 'The Westminster Gazette' headed 'Relativity. The Winning Essay for the Eugene Higgins Five Thousand Dollar Prize' by L. Bolton |
Item |
14 Feb. 1921 |
7-8 |
Folklore cuttings: human sacrifices for rain &c. |
Item |
June-Oct. 1923 |
31 |
Pamphlet, 'Le Rituel du Feu dans l'ancien Shinntô' by Michel Revon |
Item |
1908 |
35 |
Typescript of article, 'Initiation rites in the Galla tribe' by Enrico Cerulli |
Item |
[post 1922] |
42 |
Envelope used for 'Adonis, Attis, Osiris' |
Item |
[1907?] |
47 |
Bound notebook with a manuscript draft of a speech on an Anglo-French alliance, and manuscript notes on books |
Item |
[1922?-1934?] |
48-55 |
Manuscript notes on books, the Karens, the Olympic Games and other miscellaneous topics |
Item |
[1930s?] |
60 |
Two offprints of 'A Persian Marriage Custom' from 'The Modi Memorial Volume' by R. E. Enthoven |
Item |
1930 |
61 |
Incomplete [?] draft of 'The Berlitz Method' in an unidentified hand |
Item |
[c 1900?] |
63-66 |
Miscellaneous notes in unidentified hands |
Item |
[1900?-1930?] |
67-82 |
Photographs of views in Achaea |
Item |
June 1906 |
92-95 |
Miscellaneous photographs of icons and a crucifix |
Item |
[c 1890?-c 1920?] |
35-56 |
Cuttings relating to 'The Golden Bough' |
Item |
1940-1941 |
58 |
Typescript of the Preface to 'Passages of the Bible Chosen for their Literary Beauty and Interest' |
Item |
[after 1909?] |
23 |
Writings: 'Les Femmes Savantes' to 'Hommage rendu à Ernest Renan par un étudiant des religions comparées' |
Series |
1903-1935 |
8 |
Manuscript draft of bibliography for 'The Influence of Superstition on the Growth of Institutions. A Discourse' |
Item |
[Feb. 1909?] |
11 |
Typescript of the Preface to 'Totemism and Exogamy. A Treatise on Certain Early Forms of Superstition and Society' |
Item |
[27 Feb. 1910?] |
14-15 |
'Golden Bough' proof mendings |
Item |
1914-1915 |
18 |
Typescript of 'Ad libellum suum Auctor' |
Item |
[9 June 1919?] |