Papers of Lord Layton

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
73-76 Correspondence: E Misc Item 1938-1945
77-97 Correspondence: Einaudi Item 1955-1962
1-77 Correspondence: The Field Case Item 1939-1964
81-101 Correspondence: G Misc Item 1924-1960
1-24 Correspondence: Victor Gollancz Ltd. Left Book Club Item 1937-1945
38-57 Correspondence: Keynes 'Old Dogs' Group Item 1939
82-97 Correspondence: l Misc Item 1933-1951
54-89 Correspondence: M Misc Item 1920-1964
90-95 Correspondence: Macmillan and Company Limited Item 1920-1921
34-45 Correspondence: Newsprint Supply Company Ltd Item 1959-1964
20-30 Correspondence: Runciman Misson, Czechoslovakia Item 1938
97-119 Correspondence: Lord Samuel Item 1924-1963
120-128 Correspondence: Severance Pay (Contracts of Employment Bill) Item 1961-1963
1-15 Correspondence: Spanish Bombing Appeal Item 1938
3 Lecture notes on Political Economy Item [n.d.: early 20th cent]
1 Notes on the History of Economic Theory Item [1900s-1910s]
3 Notes on Railways Item [1900s-1910s]
1 Notes on Statistics Item [1900s-1910s]
1 Essay written by Layton for the Cobden Prize: 'Changes in the Relative Wages of Miners....' Item 1907-1908
3 Typescript of Layton's third Newmarch lecture Item 25 Oct. 1910
4 Typescript of Layton's fifth Newmarch lecture Item 8 Nov. 1910
113 Report: 'The Food Supply of the United Kingdom' Item 9 Dec. 1916
1-8 Ministry of Munitions: Balfour Mission to the U. S. A. Item Apr. 1917-Jul. 1917
18 Ministry of Munitions: Layton's visit to France Item Aug. 1917-Sept. 1917
19 Ministry of Munitions: National Expenditure Committee Item Oct. 1917-Mar. 1918
20-21 Ministry of Munitions: National Expenditure Committee Item Oct. 1917-Mar. 1918
3 Department of Overseas Trade Item 1920
4 Ministry of Munitions Item [1920]
13-127 League of Nations: First Assembly, Geneva Item Nov. 1920-Dec. 1920
1-2 League of Nations: Layton/Rist Report on the Austrian Economy: League Finance Committee Meeting Item Sept. 1925