
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
5 Photograph of G. M. Conybeare aged 18 Item [1873]
9 Photograph of M. C. Macaulay aged 18 months Item [May 1881]
16 Photograph of Rose Macaulay as a child Item [n.d.]
19 Photograph of J. B. Macaulay Item [c 1909]
20 Photograph of J. B. Macaulay nursing in France Item [1914-1918]
26 Photograph of three catering staff in army kitchen Item [1914-1918]
30 Photograph of French troops during the 1914-1918 war Item [1914-1918]
34 Photograph of a convalescent and orderly, Sanat and Debeaumont, during 1914-1918 war Item [1914-1918]
39 Photograph of the church at Prieuré de Binson Item [1914-1918]
42 Photograph of concert party at the French Barracks Item [1914-1918]
47 Photograph of camouflaged army vehicles Item [1914-1918]
50 Photograph of French soldiers gathered round a biplane, probably at Prieurè de Binson Item [1914-1918]
52 Photograph of Archbishop of Rheims at Prieurè de Binson Item [1914-1918]
58-62 Photograph, with four reprints, of soldiers' graves in Chatillon Item [1914-1918]
68 Photograph of the grave of a German, Port à Binson Item [1914-1918]
96 Photograph of J. B. Macaulay, cycling in nurse's uniform in Romford Item [soon after 1955]
140 Photograph of W. J. C. Macaulay, with postcard copy Item [n.d.]
146 Photograph of E. G. Macaulay, with friends M. Pickworth and Sister Doreen Item [n.d.]
147 Photograph of E. G. Macaulay and E. R. Macaulay, with a friend Item [n.d.]
150 Photograph of Mrs E. Conybeare Item 1865
157 Photograph of A. G. Macaulay Item [n.d.]
257 Postcard to J. C. Macaulay of M. C. Macaulay's house, Heathlands Item 8 Jun 1926
258 Postcard to Nancy Willetts of M. C. Macaulay's house, Wood End Item [1926-1941]
27 Postcard showing the church at Prieuré de Binson Item Apr 1960
262 Card from J. S. Smith announcing change of address Item 28 Aug 1957
265 Notes made by E. R. Macaulay at retreat held in Pleshey Item [1955?]
260 Christmas card list of E. R. Macaulay, with addresses Item [1944?]
1 Photograph of G. C. Macaulay Item [n.d.]
3 Photograph of G. C. Macaulay Item [n.d.]
6 Photograph of G. M. Macaulay as a young woman Item [n.d.]