Political career

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1 Manifesto Item Oct 1922
4 Letter from Sir George Young criticising J R M Butler's policies Item [Oct 1922]
5 Letter from William Ridgeway attacking J R M Butler printed in the Morning Post Item 7 Nov 1922
7 Cambridge University Reporter giving the result of the election Item 16 Nov 1922
1 Manifesto of Geoffrey Butler Item Oct 1924
3 Letter from Sir Frederick Pollock to J R M Butler offering his support Item 16 Oct 1924
1 Prospective Labour Candidacy Series 1918
1 Letter from Dudley Ward to J R M Butler enquiring as to his willingness to stand as a Labour candidate for Cambridge Item 13 Mar 1918
2 Notes by Robert Cecil on important issues, with a covering letter Item 26 Oct 1922
3 List of supporters of J R M Butler Item [Oct 1922]
8 Letter of congratulation from G M Trevelyan Item Nov 1922
1 Manifesto of Geoffrey Butler Item Nov 1923
3 Manifesto of J R M Butler, annotated by an individual calling himself "Common Sense" Item 20 Nov 1923
4 Letter of support from Viscount Grey of Falloden Item 25 Nov 1923
2 1922 Election Series 1922
2 Letters from Sidney Webb concerning the possibility of J R M Butler being a Labour candidate File Mar 1918
6 Typescript of J R M Butler's reply to H2/5 Item Nov 1922
8a Note from Nevile Butler to J. R. M. Butler Item 16 Nov. [1922?]
9 Letter of congratulation from members of Girton College Item 16 Nov 1922
3 1923 Election Series 1923
2 Manifesto of J R M Butler Item 20 Nov 1923
4 1924 Election Series 1924
2 Manifesto of J R M Butler Item 16 Oct 1924