Press-cuttings relating to An Introduction to Bibliography

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1–2 Cutting from the Times Literary Supplement, containing an advance notice of the publication of An Introduction to Bibliography, with another copy of the same Item 6 Oct. 1927
3 Notes and Queries, containing a review of An Introduction to Bibliography Item 19 Nov. 1927
4 Leaves from Notes and Queries Item 19 Nov. 1927
5b Cutting from the Times Literary Supplement, containing a notice of An Introduction to Bibliography Item 3 Nov. 1927
7 Leaf from The Observer, containing reviews by Michael Sadleir of An Introduction to Bibliography, etc. Item 18 Dec. 1927
8c Cutting from the Oxford Magazine, containing a review of An Introduction to Bibliography Item 24 Nov. 1927
8h Cutting from The Spectator, containing a review of An Introduction to Bibliography Item 14 Jan. 1928
8b Cutting from Notes and Queries, containing a review of An Introduction to Bibliography Item 19 Nov. 1927
8f Cutting from The Observer, containing a review of An Introduction to Bibliography Item 18 Dec. 1927
8a Letter from Humphrey Milford to R. B. McKerrow Item 8 Feb. 1928
8e Cutting from the Nation and Athenaeum, containing a review of An Introduction to Bibliography Item 8 Dec. 1927
8g Cutting from the Manchester Guardian, containing a review of An Introduction to Bibliography Item 3 Jan. 1928
9 Galley proofs of a review by Alfred T. P. Byles of An Introduction to Bibliography, for the Modern Language Review Item 10 Mar. 1928
5a Letter from Humphrey Milford to R. B. McKerrow Item 24 Nov. 1927
6 Cutting from the London Mercury, containing a review of An Introduction to Bibliography Item Dec. 1927
8d Leaf from the London Mercury, containing a review of An Introduction to Bibliography Item Dec. 1927