Publications by others

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
7 Typescripts of 'Value and Price' by Joan Robinson, and letters from Robinson File [1967–68] View
G9 Untitled article by Luciano Steve with notes by Sraffa and correspondence between Steve and Sraffa File 1970–71
13 Typescript of 'Values and prices of production: the political economy of the transformation problem' by David Laibman Item 1973
18 'Sraffa in the light of Marx' and 'Outputs, values and prices in joint-production' by Yoriaki Fujimori File 1977
21 'Sulla equazione della capitalizzazione di Walras' by Carlo Boffito Item 1979
1 Offprints, typescripts, notes and correspondence on articles on Locke's Two Treatises on Government by Fredson Bowers, Johan Gerritsen and Peter Laslett File 1952–57
2 'Ricardo and Marx in economic analysis' by Shinza Koizumi, ts with letter and draft reply File 1963
3 A Neoclassical theorem, The Generalisation of the General Theory and A Reconsideration of the theory of value by Joan Robinson with The Angst of invested capital by Richard Kahn, tss File [1965–68]
5 Switching of techniques, a comment by Pierangelo Garegnani, tss and correspondence between Sraffa, Garegnani and [Pasinetti] File 1966
11 Typescript of 'A Ricardo-Jevons type critique of the Sraffian system: The vision of a new foundation' by P R Brahmananda Item 1972
16 'Changes and comparisons, a reply,' by P Garegnani ts; Comment on Garegnani's paper by Joan Robinson; 'The Neoclassical production function: comment' by P Garegnani; 'On a Change in the notion of equilibrium in recent work on value (a comment on Samuelson)' by P Garegnani; two copies of an article on Sraffa by Garegnani taken from 'Rinascita' File 1976–78
20 Typescript of 'Note sul concetto di unita di misura e sul confronto fra valori-lavoro e prezzi di produzione' by Paola Antonello File 1980
22 Opinion given by Piero Sraffa of 'Economia Politica del Socialismo' by B Minc, with letter from Routledge and Kegan Paul [Minc's work not in Sraffa Library] File 1967
4 Typescript of 'Changes in the rate of profit and switches of techniques' by Luigi Pasinetti, and correspondence with Pasinetti and Pierangelo Garegnani File 1966
8 'Output values and prices in joint production' by Yoriaki Fujimori, ts Item 1970s
10 Typescript of 'Some notes on Ricardo's theory of value and distribution' by P D Groenwegen with a covering letter File 1971
12 Typescript of 'The Unimportance of reswitching' by Joan Robinson Item 1973 View
14 Sraffa's prices by S N Afriat, ts Item 1975
17 'Antonio Gramsci as historian' by J Steinberg Item [1977]
19 Alfred Marshall's early writing on value: a silent change of regime by [ ] File 1978
6 A Neoclassical view of the double switch by J Meade, Measuring capital and Luigi Pasinetti's note of changes in the rate of profit etc by D Champernowne and Heterogeneous Capital, the production function and the theory of distribution by Pierangelo Garegnani, tss File 1966–67
15 Typescript of 'The Sraffian revolution' by Alessandro Roncaglia Item 1976