Research Miscellany

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2-3 Newspaper cuttings covering Berthelot's 'Jubilee' Item 24-25 Nov. 1901
5 Cutting from 'The Times' headed 'At Olney. In Cowper's Country' Item 8 July 1920
9-13 Cuttings: 'Wolf children' Item Apr.-May 1927
29-30 Two pamphlets by Walter Hough on Fire-Making Item 1890, 1892
33 'Le Renouvellement du feu sacré' [parts IV-V] by P. Saintyves [Émile Nourry] in 'Le Revue des Traditions Populaires' Item 1913 Jan.
36 Advertisement for a lecture by Alexandre Moret entitled 'Le Temple Egyptien' Item 26 May [1925?]
44 Partial early manuscript draft of 'The Pre-Persian Temple on the Acropolis' Item [1892?]
45 Manuscript notes on the woodpecker from the 'Encyclopedia Britannica' Item [c 1915?]
56-57 Letter from Sir Norman Lockyer to Sir James Frazer Item 20 Mar. 1905
85-89 Letter from V. T. Murray to Sir James Frazer Item 11 June 1925
32 'Le Renouvellement du feu sacré' [parts I-III] by P. Saintyves [Émile Nourry] in 'Le Revue des Traditions Populaires' Item 1912 Oct.
34 Galley proof of article, 'Age of the Cedars of Mount Lebanon' by Augustine Henry Item 18 Nov. 1915
38 Typescript abstract of a paper by Sir Arthur Evans 'on the relation of the Shaft graves to the Bee hive tombs of Mycenae' Item [Nov. 1926?]
39 Typescript subscription letter from Jean Ebersolt and Rodolphe Guilland for 'Melanges Charles Diehl' Item 24 July 1929
40 Typescript, 'Extracts from "A Hundred Years of Anthropology" by T. K. Penniman' Item [1935?]
43 Manuscript notes made on Franz Liszt and P. Hyacinthe Item [c 1907]
62 Proofreading notes on the 'Fasti' by T. E. Page Item [Aug. 1923]
90-91 Two photographs of 'Akas from Apa Taning [?] country of Greater Thibet' Item c 1918
59 Typed notes of local remedies from Lord Moreton Item 15 Dec. 1918
1 Album of newspaper cuttings Item 1888-1899
14-15 Cuttings: Photographs headed 'Cowper's Favourite Walk', 'Beating the Bounds', and an article headed 'An African Native Custom. Murder of Twins to Bring Rain' Item May, Aug. 1928
16-28 Press cuttings and miscellaneous cuttings Item 1937-1941
37 Typescript article, 'Goethe in Alsace' by Comtesse Jean de Pange Item [1925]
41 Index card notes from anthropological books and articles Item [1901?]
46 Manuscript notes, 'Periodicals already examined' Item [after 1920]
58 Fair copy draft of 'Vox Stellarum' by [Edgar Browne?] Item [9 Mar. 1910]
83-84 Photographs of statues of three kings of Dahomey and one king's throne Item [1908]
4 Article headed 'Thirty-three Days' Trial at Kieff. The Closing Speeches. (From our Special Correspondent)' Item 10 Nov. 1913
6 Cutting from 'The Westminster Gazette' headed 'Relativity. The Winning Essay for the Eugene Higgins Five Thousand Dollar Prize' by L. Bolton Item 14 Feb. 1921
7-8 Folklore cuttings: human sacrifices for rain &c. Item June-Oct. 1923