School and university notebooks and lecture notes

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
4 Accrington Grammar School: 'Practical Physics' Item Sept. 1922
9 Accrington Grammar School: 'Physics' Item c 1923?
20 Accrington Grammar School: 'Mathematics' Item n.d.
30 The Victoria University of Manchester: 'Applied Maths D (cont'd)' Item n.d.
38-39 The Victoria University of Manchester: 'Tensor & potential theory 1926-7'. File 1926–27
48-49 The Victoria University of Manchester: 'Complex variable notes 1926-7' File 1926–27
50-51 The Victoria University of Manchester: 'Real variable notes 1926-7' File 1926–27
60 Trinity College Notebooks: 'General Dynamics Mr. Pars. Jesus. Michaelmas Term 1928'. Item 1928
62 Trinity College Notebooks: 'Binary forms. Dr. A. Young 1928-29' Item 1928–29
71-72 Trinity College lecture notes: 'Mr. Hall. Groups' Item 1929
73-74 Trinity College lecture notes: 'Pollard. Volume and surface integrals'. Item c 1927-32
78-79 Trinity College lecture notes: 'Ramsey, F. P. Foundations of mathematics' Item 1928-9
86-87 Trinity College lecture notes: 'Series SS' Item c 1927-29
88 Trinity College notebooks and lecture notes Item c 1927-29
10 Accrington Grammar School: 'Practical Organic Chemistry' Item Apr. 1923
13 Accrington Grammar School: 'Organic Chemistry [1]' Item Sept. 1923
16 Accrington Grammar School: Untitled notebook containing physics theorems Item c 1923–24
18 Accrington Grammar School: 'Hydrostatics &c.' Item n.d.
22 Accrington Grammar School: 'Extracts from various writers' Item n.d.
25 The Victoria University of Manchester: 'Maths. Va' Item n.d.
31-32 The Victoria University of Manchester: 'Misc. notes & exs. (Lamb &c) 1925-6' File 1925–26
44-45 The Victoria University of Manchester: 'Hydrodynamics & elasticity 1926-7' File 1926–27
54 The Victoria University of Manchester: Davenport's original folders from B.31-B.53. File 1925–27
55 Trinity College Notebooks: 'Mr. Pollard Aggregates and functions. Theory of Integration. Systems of orthogonal functions. 1927-8' Item 1927–28
56 Trinity College Notebooks: 'Mr. White 1927-8' Item 1927–28
57 Trinity College Notebooks: 'Mr. Besicovitch 1927-8. Measurability and the theory of measurable sets. Almost periodic functions' File 1927–28
67-70 Trinity College lecture notes: 'Mr. Richmond. Curves & surfaces' Item 1928-29
80-84 Trinity College lecture notes: 'Lattice points (Steen)' File 1927–29
89 Trinity College lecture notes: Davenport's original folders from B.65-B.88. File c. 1927-9
92 Trinity College lecture notes after taking his B.A. degree: 'Hardy Fourier series' Item 1932