
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
85 - 86 'Further topics in algebra'. File nd
92 - 95 'Geometry IB course'. File nd
107- 112 'Geometry. 3rd Yr'. File nd
113 'Diff[erenti]al Analysis & Geometry' File 1979; 1988–1989
121 'D.G'. File 1985
123 - 128 'D.G'. File nd
140 Lectures on K*;(X)' File
192 - 195 'Further homotopy'. File
202 - 207 'Stable Homotopy and Generalised Cohomology'. File nd
224 'Algebraic K-theory'. File 1974
232 - 241 'Lie Groups'. File nd
243 'Lie Groups II'. File nd
250 - 252 [C252 CLOSED] 'Reptn Theory'. File nd
262 - 263 Representation Theory File nd
271 - 272 Topology File nd
274 'Algebraic Topology'. File nd
284 - 287 Topology File nd
289 'Topics in Algebraic Topology'. File nd
304 - 306 'Analytic Topology'. File
307 Bundles File
345 Hardback notebook inscribed inside front cover 'Seminar notes 1954/55, including Young Topologists' Conference at Oxford'. Used from both ends for notes and calculations. At back are loose notes. File n.d
350 'Bristol notes'. Untitled draft beginning 'I want to talk about the homology and cohomology theories for certain algebraic structures', 19pp ms. File nd
357 - 358 'Seminars Given At Columbia. 1957/58'. Ms notes. File 1957–1958
362 - 367 'Seminar Notes - 1959/60'. Includes 'Theory of representation and characters' by Adams, 10pp ms. File 1959–1960
369 - 370 'Seminar Notes 1960/61'. File nd
371 - 375 'Seminar notes (2nd trip to America, 1961)'. File 1961
376 - 377 'Seminars on K(x)'. Rough ms drafts. File nd
397 'Lecture Notes (Seattle)'. Rough ms drafts of first, fourth and fifth lectures. File nd
422 'Seminars'. Programme of Topology Conference, Oberwolfach, W Germany, 20-30 September 1965. Adams is not listed as a speaker. File 1965
423 - 432 'Seminars'. Ms notes etc. The first page of notes is annotated 'Arbeitstagung '67'. File