
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
148 'Homogeneous additive equations', with D. J. Lewis Item 1963
150 'A note on Diophantine approximation (II)' Item 1964
55 'On a result of Wald', with G. Pólya Item 1949
56 'A divisor problem' Item 1949
68 'On the critical determinants of cylinders', with C. A. Rogers Item 1950
69 'Euclid's algorithm in certain quartic fields' Item 1950
71 'L'algorithme d'Euclide dans certains corps algébriques' Item 1950
76 'On a principle of Lipschitz' Item 1951
79 'On sequences of positive integers', with P. Erdös Item 1951
84 'Note on a result of Chalk' Item 1952
85 'The covering of n dimensional space by spheres', with R. P. Bambah Item 1952
93 'The minimal points of a positive definite quadratic form', with G. L. Watson Item 1954
96 'Simultaneous Diophantine approximation' Item 1954
97-98 'On a theorem of Furtwängler' Item 1955
102 'The solubility of certain Diophantine inequalities', with K. F. Roth Item 1955
104 'Le recouvrement de l'espace par des sphères' Item 1955
109 'Indefinite quadratic forms in many variables (III)', with B. J. Birch Item 1958
112-120 Correspondence with B. J. Birch, re joint papers Item June 1957-July 1958
121 'The work of the Fields medallists. Dr. K. F. Roth' Item 1958
164-169 'Diophantine approximation and sums of roots of unity', with A. Schinzel Item 1967
183 'On the large sieve method', with E. Bombieri Item 1968
186-187 'Bases for finite fields' Item 1968
194-195 'Some inequalities involving trigonometrical polynomials', with E. Bombieri Item 1969
198 'Approx. to a real number by alg-integers', with W. M. Schmidt Item 1969
200 Biographical article on G. H. Hardy Item 1969
205 'Homogeneous quadratic equations' Item 1971
208 Reviews by Davenport Item 1938–64
19 'On a conjecture of Mordell concerning binary cubic forms' Item 1941
28 'On the minimum of a ternary cubic form' Item 1944
35 'The product of n homogeneous linear forms' Item 1946