Scientific correspondence

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
4 Correspondence with R H Aranow, 1965 and R H Atkinson, 1968, 1974 File 1965-1974
6 Correspondence with G K Batchelor File 1949–74
8 Correspondence with G S Beavers,1971-72 (porous disc experiment), M Benher, n.d., T B Benjamin, 1963, 1969, T G O Berg, 1966 (work on water drops) and R W Besant, 1969 File
12 Correspondence with E C Bullard and others File 1950–51
27 Correspondence with T T Hay, 1970 (Japanese watermills), R Herczynski,1966, J O Hirshfelder, 1968 and G S Hislop,1939, 1973 File 1939-1973
32 Correspondence with H Iben, 1966, A T Ippen and Y-H Chu, 1971, J P Jacobsen, 1931 and J R Jeffrey, 1973, 1974 File 1931-1974
38 Correspondence with L V King File 1915–18
40 Correspondence with Z Krasucki File 1965
42 Correspondence with G Lemanczyk, 1974, W B Lewis, 1972-73, H W Liepmann, 1966-67, A McEwan, 1969-71, L Magyar, 1972 and R J Mannheimer, 1971 File
44 Correspondence with J Mardon File 1959–61
46 Correspondence with J Mardon File 1966–75
50 Correspondence with J R Melcher File 1966–74
51 Correspondence with D Meksyn, 1972 and H Meyer, 1957 File
56 Correspondence with THe National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films File 1964–67
62 Correspondence with W G Penney File 1969, 1972
63 Correspondence with O M Phillips, 1968, R G Pindell, 1973 and Platt, 1973 (CQR anchor) File 1968-1973
66 Correspondence with J Proudman File 1916, 1919
73 Correspondence with S B Sample, 1972, D A Saville, 1970, B K Sen-Gupta, 1972 and K L Singh, 1964 File
77 Correspondence with K Stewartson File 1967–68
80 Correspondence with W J Swiatecki File 1967
90 Correspondence with L R Wager on lava flow File 1964
3 Correspondence with E N da C Andrade (results of viscosity experiment with rotating cylinders) File 1928
10 Correspondence with G Birkhoff, 1963, D Blanchard, 1966-67 (bubble collapse, includes photographs and article) and M H Bloom, 1967 (includes ms. of Taylor's reply) File
15 Correspondence with H A Caruso, 1964 (`Liquid Bell') and S Chapman,1970 File 1964, 1970
17 Correspondence with G Y Chin, 1968, J A Cole, 1957, S A Colgate, 1966, T A Coombs, 1964, B G Cox, 1964 File
18 Correspondence with S J Davies, 1928, G T Dawson, 1949, N A De Bruyne,1957-58 (`peeling strength' of adhesives) and L N J De Jong, 1964 File 1928-1964
19 Correspondence with W H Dines File 1917-18
24 Correspondence with T F Gaskell, 1964, 1968, StI Gheorghitza, 1969 (includes Taylor's letter on boundary conditions in a porous medium) N L Ghosh, 1972, W N Gill, 1970 and H Gortler,1966 (Symposium on electrohydro-dynamics) File 1964-1972
30 Correspondence with C-P Huang, 1966 (includes ms. draft of Taylor's reply) and C J Hughes,1962 File
49 Correspondence with P Matisse, 1966 and C K Meadley,1964-65 File