Research notes and drafts

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
49 'Successive minima for L1, L2, L3' Item n.d.
55 'On the values of zeta (½ + it)' Item n.d.
57 'Modified definition of Vn' Item n.d.
59 'Extension of Heilbronn's Theorem' Item n.d.
69 'Miscellaneous math. mss and notes' Item n.d.
70 'Miscellaneous math. mss and notes' Item n.d.
71-83 Untitled drafts Item n.d.
85-87 'Cassels' notebooks Item n.d.
91 'Ternary cubic' notes and tables Item n.d.
103 'Lecture attended in Brussels on Alternating Algebra, May 1946' Item 1946
113 Lectures by B. J. Birch, K. Mahler, P. Erdös Item 1960–63
114 Seminar talks and lectures by E. S. Barnes, P. Erdös, L. Few, Gelfond Item n.d.
115 Lectures by H. Halberstam, K. A. Hirsch, K. Mahler Item n.d.
124 Notes and drafts Item c 1927, 1947
129-130 Duplicated copies of early MS drafts by A. E. Ingham of his 'Cambridge Tract' Item
133 Miscellaneous MS notes by C. A. Rogers Item n.d.
16 'For a single irreducible polynomial' Item 1934
22 'Polynomials mod x4' Item n.d.
25 'Primes in arithmetic progression' Item n.d.
28 'The quadratic character' Item n.d.
42 'Units' Item n.d.
53 'A lemma concerning pairs of integer points' Item n.d.
54 'Uniform distribution' Item n.d.
56 Drafts; 'Quartic' Item n.d.
63-65 Notes and drafts Item n.d.
66-68 'Miscellaneous math. mss and notes' Item n.d.
89 'Dyson's method for seven cubes' notes Item n.d.
90 'Elaboration of previous argument' notes Item n.d.
92 'Various equivalences between character-sums' notes and calculations Item n.d.
94 Miscellaneous shorter notes Item n.d.