Thermonuclear research

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
95 A.E.I./A.E.R.E. Joint Progress Meetings 15 - 17 File 1956
97 A.E.I./A.E.R.E. Joint Progress Meetings 22 - 24 File 1958
115 Typescript by M Blackman titled 'Drift of Electrons at the core of the "Pinch"' File nd
117 A.E.I. Research Report by R Herdan titled 'Lyapunov-Type Stability Criteria in Plasma Physics and Fluid Dynamics' File December 1963
118 Typescript by S E Hunt titled 'The Levitron Experiment. An appreciation for the Plasma Physics Research Sub-Committee' File nd, c1959
119 Typescript by B S Liley titled 'Sceptre' File 1957
120 Typescript by P A Sturrock titled 'Non-linear effects in electron plasmas' File c 1955
122 Typescript by W B Thompson titled `The Diffusion Theory of the Constricted Gas Discharge' File October 1952
123 A.E.R.E report by W B Thompson titled ,The theoretical characteristics of constricted discharges in mercury and caesium vapour' File
124 A.E.R.E report by W B Thompson titled 'An elementary theory of the Hall effect in a gas discharge' File February 1954
125 Typescript by W B Thompson titled 'The Scaling of the Constricted Gas Discharge' File nd
127 Typescript titled 'Equilibrium Characteristics of a Pinched Gas Discharge Cooled by Bremsstrahlung Radiation' File nd
129 typescript by W B Thompson and R.T.P. Whipple titled 'Neutral Gas Pressure Effects in the Gas Discharge' File nd
133 Typescript by S W Cousins and A A Ware titled 'High Current Discharge Research. March 1949-March 1950)' File c 1949-1950
134 Typescript by A A Ware titled 'Relativistic Treatment of "Pinch" Forces' File nd
135 Typescript by A A Ware titled 'Low Frequency Ring Discharge Giving Continuous "Pinch" Forces' File nd
137 Typescript by A A Ware titled 'The Radial Electric Field in a High Current Discharge and the Effect of the Discharge Tube Wall' File 1 October 1952
144 Small ring-binder containing lists of articles read by (or recommended to) Thomson File 1959–70
9 Spring-back binder labelled 'Synchroton & Tonnemann [Synchrotron and (P.) Thonemann] type devices, Misc. calc.' File
13 Various appendices to the typescript D12 File
20 'Estimate of neutron yield from torus under threshold conditions'. File June 1951
29 Calculations headed 'General Theory with constant tyrewise velocity w'. File
32 Two typescript drafts (not identical) of paper on 'The Pinch Discharge in a Wholly Ionised Gas'. File October 1963'
34 Duplicated typescript of E.32 with ms. annotations, circulated as A.E.R.E. Harwell report X/M 119 File October 1953
35 Undated ms. draft of paper on 'Pinch Discharge in a Partially Ionised Gas'. File
36 Correspondence with A.A. Ware, November-December 1953, with re-draft of part of E.35. File
37 Typescript draft of E.35 with ms. corrections File December 1953
49 'Detailed calculations for paper on the plasma shock waves'. Ms. notes paginated from 10 - 18 File nd
50 Soft-cover notebook containing calculations re thermonuclear work interleaved with some personal and autobiographical notes. File
51 Spiral bound notebook containing calculations re thermonuclear work, notes on articles, personal jottings, etc. File