History of physics and physicists

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
29 Article for the Centenary of the Physical Society File 1973
33 Notes on E V Appleton File October 1959
34 Writings on F W Aston File 1938, 1946
40 Niels Bohr Memorial Lecture. Proof for published version, with ms. corrections and additions. File 1964
42 Review of 'Niels Bohr', ed. S. Rozenthal (for Contemporary Physics) File 1967
43 Speech at presentation of Honorary Fellowship of the Institute of Physics, to W L Bragg File December 1958
47 Address at Memorial Service for W L Bragg File 1971
48 Address at Memorial Service for W L Bragg File 1971
54 Information from Lord Birkenhead on 'spinning flight' and other matters arising from Birkenhead's biography of Lord Cherwell for the Royal Society biographical memoir File 1958–62
58 Information from E J S Clarke for the Royal Society Biographical Memoir of Lord Cherwell File 1958
59 Information from G.M.B. Dobson for the Royal Society Biographical Memoir of Lord Cherwell File 1958
61 Information from C.F. Goodeve for the Royal Society biographical memoir of Lord Cherwell File 1958
62 Information from Roy Harrod for the Royal Society biographical memoir of Lord Cherwell File 1958–61
70 Information from A.G. Pugsley, J.A. Ratcliffe and E.A.G. Robinson for the Royal Society biographical memoir of Lord Cherwell File 1958-1959
71 Information from P.J. Searby for the Royal Society biographical memoir of Lord Cherwell File 1957–58
75 'Statement of the claims of Dr. J.D. Cockcroft for the Hughes Medal' (of the Royal Society) File nd
78 'A.H. Compton at Cambridge'. File [1962]
83 Information from A.R. Collar for the Royal Society biographical memoir of W S Farren File 1970–71
85 Information from R W Gandy and S B Gates for the Royal Society biographical memoir of W S Farren File 1970-1971
88 Information from D Maull and M B Morgan for the Royal Society biographical memoir of W S Farren File c 1970-1972
91 Thomson's notes, ms. and typescript drafts for the Royal Society biographical memoir of W S Farren File c 1970-1972
92 Typescript of the Royal Society biographical memoir of W S Farren with corrections by G P Thomson and A A Hall File May 1971
105 Review of an edition of the papers of S Rosenblum File nd
110 2 publications File
112 Review of C P Snow's 'Science and Government' File 1961
115 Obituary notice of C.T.R. Wilson, probably for Physics Bulletin. File 1959
3 'Discovery of the Electron'. File 1957
6 'Nuclear energy in Britain during the last war', the Cherwell-Simon Lecture, Oxford File 1960
7 'Early Work in Electron Diffraction' File 1961
13 'Electron, Proton and Neutron'. Second in a series of four talks on the history of the atom, broadcast in BBC World Service File 27 May 1966