History of physics and physicists

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
15 'The Septuagenarian Electron' File 1967
19 'Reconciling the apparently irreconcilable - the early history of electron diffraction', shortened version of G.18 File July 1967
21 'History of Physics in the Earlier Part of this Century'. Lecture at Nobel Prize Winners Conference, Lindau File 1968
22 'The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1937'. Essay for physics volume of a series to be published by Fratelli Fabbri, Milan. File 1968
38 Niels Bohr Memorial Lecture, ms. drafts. File 1964
39 Niels Bohr Memorial Lecture, 2 typescript drafts with ms. corrections and additions. File 1964
41 Niels Bohr Memorial Lecture. Background material and notes. File 1964
44 Speech at presentation during celebration of 50th Anniversary of W L Bragg's Nobel Prize, held at Royal Institution File Oct 1965
46 Obituary notice of W L Bragg for the Trinity College Annual Record File 1971
49 Address at Memorial Service for W L Bragg File 1971
50 Address at Memorial Service for W L Bragg File 1971
51 Address at Memorial Service for W L Bragg File 1971
52 Recollections for Sydney Chapman's 80th birthday presentation volume. File 1968
53 Information from C Babington Smith on `spinning flight' for the Royal Society biographical memoir of Lord Cherwell File 1959
63 Information from J Harvey and H B Hartley for the Royal Society biographical memoir of Lord Cherwell File 1958-61
64 Information from H L Ismay for the Royal Society biographical memoir of Lord Cherwell File 1957–58
68 Information from C L Lindemann and G D A MacDougall for the Royal Society biographical memoir of Lord Cherwell File 1957-59
74 Thomson's notes and plans for Memoir of Lord Cherwell File
76 Biographical note on J D Cockcroft File 1952
80 'Applications of Wave Mechanics'. Thomson's contribution to 60th Birthday Volume for L de Broglie. File [1952]
84 Information from P Dykes and M A Farren for the Royal Society biographical memoir of W S Farren File 1970-72
87 Information from A Haslam and J Lloyd for the Royal Society biographical memoir of W S Farren File 1970
90 Information from Trinity College, G I Taylor and G Trevelyan for the Royal Society biographical memoir of W S Farren File 1970-71
93 Typescript of the Royal Society biographical memoir of W S Farren with corrections by G P Thomson and by printer File 1971
99 Introductory remarks for lecture by Bernard Lovell at Commonwealth Society File February 1960
102 Article on Isaac Newton for the Encyclopaedia `Knowledge' File October 1961
107 'Rutherford in 19th-century Cambridge' File
108 'Rutherford in 19th-century Cambridge' File
113 Review of C P Snow's 'Varieties of Men' for The Sunday Telegraph. File 1967
5 'Nuclear energy in Britain during the last war', the Cherwell-Simon Lecture, Oxford File 1960