William Whewell: sermons

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
22-24 Notes for sermons Item 1825-1827, [18--]
29-47 Drafts of nineteen sermons mainly preached at Trinity College Item 1860-1865
25 Drafts of sermons Item 1826-[1827]
26 Fragments of drafts of sermons Item [19th cent.]
28-28c Drafts of four sermons Item 1841, 1866
2-12 Drafts of eight sermons Item 1827-1833
13-16 Drafts of five sermons given at St Mary's, Cambridge Item 4-25 Feb. 1827
17-18k Drafts of thirteen undated sermons Item [19th cent.]
1 Draft of a sermon on Jeremiah 9:23 Item [19th cent.]
19 Notes translating the Greek of Luke 5, 6, and 12 Item [19th cent.]
20-21a Notes for and drafts of [sermons?] in Greek and Latin Item [19th cent.]
27 Drafts for sermons 1-3 on "The foundations of morals" Item [19th cent.]
48-94 Drafts of forty seven sermons mainly preached at Trinity College Item 1841-1859