Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2 Copy of a typed letter from Eileen Norris Item 22 Nov. 1996
5 Playscript, 'Whom Do I Have the Honour of Addressing? A Monologue' Item May 1989
3 Letter from Hetty [?] Item 6 Apr. [1993]
14 Typed letter from Richard Wherrett via Patricia Macnaughton Item 18 Aug. 1994
16 Typed letter from John Miller Item 11 Mar. 1997
18 Typed letter from Peter Shaffer to Amanda Smith and Peta Kuck at Samuel French Office Item 6 Oct. 2001
19 Card from Faber [Donoughe] Item 20 July 2011
5 Playscript, 'Yonadab' Item Sept. 1987
6 Playscript, 'Yonadab' Item Sept. 1987
14 Notebook with 'Yonadab' scene revisions Item [late 20th cent.]
10 Emendations to 'Yonadab' playscripts Item 1994-1995
6 Playscript, Eleanor by Graça Corrêa Item July 1999
7 Poem cycle, 'The Poet's Deathbed' by Peter Davison Item Jan. 1971
9 Degree thesis, 'Un Percorso Nella Drammaturgia di Peter Shaffer' by Lia Magnaguagno Item 1999
14 Playscript, 'Murderer' by Anthony Shaffer Item [1999?]
16 Tchaikovsky play, 'Bezique' Subseries [1990s]-2016
19 Works by others Subseries 1971-2013
19 Revised draft of the 'Amadeus' screenplay Item Nov. 1982
24 Playscript of 'Amadeus,' Stratford Festival (Canada) version Item Aug. 1995
7 Playscript of 'Amadeus' Item [1981?]
18 Second draft, revised of the 'Amadeus' screenplay Item Nov. 1982
31 Playscript of 'Amadeus' Item 1999
29 Playscript of 'Amadeus' Item Sept. 1999
33 Stage Manager's playscript of 'Amadeus', Music Box Theatre Item Apr. 2000
11 First draft of the 'Amadeus' screenplay Item 23 Apr. 1982
12 First draft, revised of the 'Amadeus' screenplay Item 9 July 1982
28 Playscript of 'Amadeus' Item July 1999
22 Prompt copy of the 'Amadeus' playscript for Compass Theatre, Halifax Item 30 July 1991
2 Early playscript of 'Amadeus' Item [1979?]
49 Notebooks with drafts of scenes in "Amadeus" Item [late 20th cent.]