William Whewell: letters received, A-C

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
92 Letter from George S. Brent Item 10 May 1843
95 Letter from Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane Item 21 Oct. 1841
93-94 Letters from George Brimley Item 5 Dec. 1846
42 Letter from Charles Babbage to [Jane] Marshall Item 27 May [18--]
149 Letter from William John Conybeare Item 12 Nov. 1849
153 Visiting card of Pierre Louis Antoine Cordier Item [19th cent.]
141 Letter from Sir James Clark to [Mrs Whewell?] Item [19th cent.]
143 Invitation from Edward Daniel Clarke Item [5 June 18--]
161 Letter from Benjamin Morgan Cowie Item 3 Dec. [1853-4?]
162 Letter from Thomas Craddock to the Hulsean Trustees Item 19 Jan. 1855
144 Note from William George Clark Item 15 June 1854
145 Letter from Sara Coleridge to Cordelia Whewell Item [19th cent.]
118 Letter from Charles Parr Burney Item 15 Aug. 1851
109 Letter from Robert Bruce Item 16 Dec. 1860
125 Letter from W. Carpenter Item 2 Aug. 1848
160 Letter from [John?] Cowling Item 18 Sept. 1850