William Whewell papers: letters received by Henry Ellis, Francis Ellis, Robert Leslie Ellis and Lady Affleck

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
424 Letter from Rosamund C. to Lady Affleck Item 18 June [18--]
428 Letter from R. D. N. to William Whewell Item [19th cent.]
433 Letter from Marion Mackenzie to Lady Affleck Item 16 June [18--]
420 Letter from William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse to Lady Affleck Item [19th cent.]
59 Miscellaneous notes concerning improvements to Great St Mary's Church Item 1860, [18--]
60 "A list of the Master's books which are [and are not] in the College Library" Item [19th cent.]
62 Invitation from Mr and Mrs [Raston?] to Henry Ellis Item 25 Feb. [17--]
17 Letter from James Bullock to Henry Ellis Item 15 June 1760
22 Copy of a letter from George Jarvis of Cox & Co. London to Francis Ellis Item 31 Dec. 1838
23 Franked envelope from Daviot Item [19th cent.?]
25-27 Letters from John Dick to Henry Ellis Item 1771-1773
36 Letter from William Kilbee to his mother Item 24 May 1804
38 Letter from Helene Mascher to Henry Ellis Item [18th cent.?]
48 Letter from R. Scott to Henry Ellis Item 17 Jan. 1800
55 Letter from Thomas Warington to Henry Ellis Item 1 Oct. 1802
238 Letter from A. Bateson to Lady Affleck Item 4 Dec. [18--]
241-242 Letters from James Johnstone Bevan to Lady Affleck Item 1860, 1861
249 Letter from Frances E. Cartmell to Lady Affleck Item 6 Dec. 1860
250 Letter from Louisa Cavendish to Lady Affleck Item 11 Aug. [1862?]
251 Letter from C. Champion to Lady Affleck Item 21 May 1861
265 Letter from C. Dallas to Lady Affleck Item 19 Mar. [18--]
267 Letter from F. Mackworth Dolben to Lady Affleck Item [19th cent.]
272-273 Letters from George John Dupuis to Lady Affleck Item 11, 12 Mar. 1863
275 Letter from Mary Ann Edmunds to Lady Affleck Item 5 Dec. 1841
277 Letter from [?] Edwards to Lady Affleck Item [19th cent.]
278 Letter from Elizabeth Ellis to Lady Affleck Item 17 Jan. 1863
279 Letter from Elizabeth Mary Ellis to Lady Affleck Item 2 Mar. [18--]
282 Letter from T. FitzGerald to Lady Affleck Item 17 Jan. 1845
297 Letter from Esther Hare to Lady Affleck Item 19 Dec. 1860
298-299 Letters from Denis Healy to Lady Affleck Item 1863, [18--]