Writings on French and other art, and literary criticism and poetry

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
16 Manuscript of Typescript of a review of Vincent Van Gogh, a biographical study by Julius Meier-Graefe, translated by J.H. Reece Item [n.d.]
18 Typescript of 'Books and pictures', a lecture Item 1937
20 Manuscript of 'Books and pictures' Item [n.d.]
27 Manuscript of 'Art and expertise' Item [n.d.]
28 Manuscript of 'Art and expertise' Item [n.d.]
30 Typescript of 'Art and expertise' Item 18 Jan 1945
32 Manuscript of 'Save the Old Masters from their friends' Item [1922]
36 Typescript of 'Reproduction in colour' Item [n.d.]
38 Typescript of 'Virginia Woolf'' Item [1924]
43 Typescript of [Julius Caesar] incomplete introduction to radio broadcast of a play Item [n.d.]
45 Manuscript of Exercise book containing juvenilia Item 1896–8
47 Typescript of 'Morning' Item 1 Jul 1905
49 Typescript of 'Knowledge' Item Sep 1907
53 Manuscript of 'The altar' Item [n.d.]
56 Manuscript of 'Merci' Item Jun 1928
61 Manuscript of 'Pablo had a pretty flock...' Item [n.d.]
64 Typescript of 'Ballade (to G.L.S.)' Item [n.d.]
2 Manuscript and typescript of 'The foundations of the great age', a lecture Item [1936]
4 Typescript of 'The foundations of the great age', a lecture Item [1936]
8 Typescript of 'French art', a lecture Item [n.d.]
10 Typescript of 'Cézanne and Impressionism', a lecture given in Chicago Item [c. 1950]
19 Typescript of 'Books and pictures' Item 1937
22 Typescript of 'The "difference of literature"' Item [1922]
24 Manuscript of 'Art and the cinema' Item [1924]
26 Typescript of 'Art and expertise' Item [1944]
29 Typescript of 'Art and expertise' Item [n.d.]
33 Typescript of 'Criticism and libel' Item [1919]
34 Manuscript of 'Festina lente', an essay Item [1950]
37 Manuscript of 'Style' Item [1924]
39 Typescript of 'Virginia Woolf' Item [n.d.]