36-235: Correspondence, invitations, notes and works by Houghton and family papers

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
144 C. Holland Item
146 John William Inchbold Item
147 Catherine Henrietta Barclay Item
150 Letter from Gerald Milnes Gaskell to Lord Houghton Item 18 Nov. 1876
154 Susanna Emily Bland Item
155-156 Letters from Matilda Fanny Allen to Lord Houghton Item [Nov. 1876]-28 Nov. 1876
160 Letter from Thomas Wordsworth to Lord Houghton Item 7 Mar. 1877
162 Bill from Marsh, Jones and Cribb to Lord Houghton for inventory and valuation of furniture destroyed by fire Item Dec. 1876
168 Letter from [?] Morton Cornish Sumner to Lord Houghton Item 10 Jun. 1872
172 Press cutting on marriage of Hon. Caroline Isabella Monckton and Rev. Thomas John Monson Item 21 Mar. [1855?]
178 Copy by Richard Monckton Milnes of two suicide notes from Eliza Parry to her mother, Mar. 1839 Item [n.d.]
179 Account by Emma Blackburne of invalid marriage between Reginald Corbet and 'Countess Hoffman' Item [n.d.]
185 Riddle beginning 'Cut off my head a singular I act...' Item [n.d.]
186 Riddle 'Said to be by the B[isho]p of Oxford' [Samuel Wilberforce?] Item [n.d.]
1-25 Notes and compositions by Robert Pemberton Milnes File 19th cent
107-139 Verses etc by Robert Pemberton Milnes File [1850s?]
142-162 Speeches and political papers of Robert Pemberton Milnes File 1801-[1852?]
32 Letter from Anthony Huxtable to Robert Pemberton Milnes Item 6 Apr. 1850
34 Letter from Robert Pemberton Milnes to Captain [?] Item 11 Sept. [early 1830s]
42 Letter from Robert Pemberton Milnes to Thomas Davison Bland Item [early 1830s]
63 VACANT Item
73 Letter from [F. Ciceri?] to Signor Velz Item 15 Jul. 1831
75 Letter from [F. Ciceri?] to Robert Pemberton Milnes Item 15 Jun. 1834
76 Letter from John Gully to Robert Pemberton Milnes Item 26 Feb. 1836
78 Letter from Sir James R. G. Graham, 3rd Baronet, to Robert Pemberton Milnes Item 24 Feb. 1852
81 Letter from Benjamin Disraeli to Robert Pemberton Milnes Item 18 Oct. 1849
82 Letter from Benjamin Disraeli to Robert Pemberton Milnes Item 8 Jan. 1852
88 Letter from William Lowther, 2nd Earl of Lonsdale, to Robert Pemberton Milnes Item 6 Dec. 1852
97 Letter from William Constable-Maxwell to Robert Pemberton Milnes Item 13 Sept. [1851]
167 Letter from Robert Pemberton Milnes to Richard Monckton Milnes File 1856