Additional Manuscripts a

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
503 Collection of annual gathering dinner menus and similar items File 1920-1950
508 Notes for a book on the German national character by A H J Knight Item [1950s]
513 Text of a 90th birthday speech by Horace Barlow Item 2012
514 Letter from C D Broad to Alan Donouard Item 29 Oct 1947
515 Chant book for Trumpington church Item 1937
525 80th birthday speech by Brian Mitchell Item 2009
527 'The Book of Akimbo' and 'The foundations of Bogology' by Christopher Cornford, with obituaries File 20th cent
530 Correspondence between J. M. Image and William Francis Smith File 1906-1919
532 Explanatory note for the Sandwich Marble Item [18th cent.?]
533 Annual gathering speech by Tom Adam QC Item 2008
534 80th birthday speech by Paley Johnson Item 2008
535 Annual gathering speech by John Tusa Item 2007
538 Letters from Richard Austen Butler and Sydney Butler to Dorothy Vincenzi Item 1949-1956
609 Sketches for the K.P., edited by N. W. Paine Item 1893-1894
612 Noel B. Slater's notes on and transcripts of Sir Arthur Eddington's unpublished notes on Fundamental Theory Item 1949-1954
551 Letters from A. E. Housman to G. C. A. Jackson File 1926-1936
621 Notes by J. Kempthorne on W. G .Clark's lectures on Aeschines, Contra Ctesiphon File Lent Term 1854
623 Letter from Arthur Bernard Cook to J. Rendel Harris Item [6 Jan.] 1941
624 Album of photographs of Cambridge and elsewhere Item c. 1900
630 Translation of Virgil's Georgics, with a commentary, by Robert Hampden-Trevor Item 1751-2
633 Letter from James G. Frazer to Mr [?] Sutherland Item [1899?]
636 Artefacts found in a wall in Staircase G, Nevile's Court, Trinity College Item 1914-1938
638 Papers of Edward David Chetham-Strode and family File [1870-1950]
639 Letter from Clive Bell to [?William Kozlenko, the Editor of Europa] with the first issue of Europa Item Jan.-May 1933
646 Letter from Joseph Sabine to Dawson Turner Item 20 Feb. 1834
552 Letters of the Yardley family Item 1661-1664
554 Manuscript of Charles Lenormant's commentary on Plato's Cratylus and Euthyphro Item [c 1854]
565 Reminiscences of Sydney Chapman by Bobby Chapman and Mary Tessler Item [c 2012]
568 Speech given by Wade Allison at an annual gathering Item 21 Sept. 2016
572 Pro-forma sponsors account forms Item [1790s]