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RUSHTON, W.A.H. & BARLOW, H.B. (1943). Single-fibre response from an intact animal. Nature 152: 597.
BARLOW, H.B., KOHN, H.I. & WALSH, E.G. (1947). Visual sensations aroused by magnetic fields. Am. J. Physiol. 148, 372-375.
BARLOW, H.B., KOHN, H.I. & WALSH, E.G. (1947). The effect of dark adaptation and of light upon the electric threshold of the human eye. Am. J. Physiol. 148, 376-381.
BARLOW, H.B. (1950). The receptive fields of ganglion cells in the frog retina. XVIII Int. Physiol. Congress, Copenhagen. pp. 88-89.
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BARLOW, H.B. (1953). Action potentials from the frog's retina. J. Physiol. 119, 58-68.
BARLOW, H.B. (1953). Summation and inhibition in the frog's retina. J. Physiol. 119, 69-88.
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BARLOW, H.B. (1956). Retinal noise and absolute threshold. J. Opt. Soc. Am. 46, 634-639.
BARLOW, H.B. (1957). Purkinje shift and retinal noise. Nature, Vol. 179, 255-256.
BARLOW, H.B. (1957). Noise and the visual threshold. Nature, 180, 1403-1405.
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BARLOW, H.B., FITZHUGH, R. & KUFFLER, S.W. (1957). Dark adaptation, absolute threshold and Purkinje shift in single units of the cat's retina. J. Physiol. 137, 327-337.
BARLOW, H.B., FITZHUGH, R. & KUFFLER, S.W. (1957). Change in organization in the receptive fields of the cat's retina during dark adaptation. J. Physiol. 137, 338-354.
KUFFLER, S.W., FITZHUGH, R. & BARLOW, H.B. (1957). Maintained activity in the cat's retina in light and darkness. J. Gen. Physiol. 40, 683-702.
BARLOW, H.B. (1958). Temporal and spatial summation in human vision at different background intensities. J. Physiol. 141, 337-350.
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BARLOW, H.B. (1959). Sensory mechanisms, the reduction of redundancy, and intelligence. NPL Symposium on the Mechanization of Thought Process. No. 10, pp 535-539, H.M. Stationery Office, London.
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BARLOW, H.B. (1961). Possible principles underlying the transformations of sensory messages. Chapter 13. In: Sensory Communication, W.Rosenblith (Ed.), M.I.T. Press, pp. 217-234.
BARLOW, H.B. (1961). Three points about lateral inhibition. In: Sensory Communication, W. Rosenblith (Ed.), M.I.T. Press, pp. 782-790.
BARLOW, H.B. (1961). The coding of sensory messages. Chapter XIII. In Current Problems in Animal Behaviour, Thorpe and Zangwill (Eds), Cambridge University Press, pp. 330-360.
BARLOW, H.B. (1961). Der Informationswert verschiedener Reaktionstypen der Neurone des visuellen systems; Gruppendiskussion. Initial Remarks. In:The Visual System: Neurophysiology and Psychophysics, R. Jung & H. Kornhuber (Eds), Springer-Verlag: Berlin, pp. 375-376.
BARLOW, H.B. (1962). A method of determining the overall quantum efficiency of visual discriminations. J. Physiol. 160, 155-168.
BARLOW, H.B. (1962). Measurements of the quantum efficiency of discrimination in human scotopic vision. J. Physiol. 160, 169-188.
BARLOW, H.B. (1962). The brain as a Predictor. Cambridge Opinion 27. R. Freedman (Ed.), p. 18.
BARLOW, H.B. & HILL, R.M. (1963). Selective sensitivity to direction of movement in ganglion cells of the rabbit retina. Science 139, 412-414.
BARLOW, H.B. (1963). Slippage of contact lenses and other artifacts in relation to fading and regeneration of supposedly stable retinal image. Q. J. Exp. Psychology 15, 36-51.
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BARLOW, H.B. & LEVICK, W.R. (1963). Are bipolar cells directionally selective? J. Physiol. 170, 54-55P.
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BARLOW, H.B. & BRINDLEY, G.S. (1963). Inter-ocular transfer of movement after-effects during pressure blinding of the stimulated eye. Nature 200, 1347-1348.
BARLOW, H.B. (1964). The physical limits of visual discrimination. In: Photophysiology, A.C. Giese (Ed.), Academic Press, Vol. 2, pp. 163-202.
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BARLOW, H.B. (1964). Dark adaptation: a new hypothesis. Vision Research, 4, 47-58.
BARLOW, H.B. (1964). Neural and photochemical adaptation in the retina. Acta Psychol. 23, 115-116.
BARLOW, H.B., HILL, R.M. & LEVICK, W.R. (1964). Retinal ganglion cells responding selectively to direction and speed of image motion in the rabbit. J. Physiol. 173, 377-407.
LEVICK, W.R., BARLOW, H.B. & HILL, R.M. (1964). Retinal mechanism for the perception of movement in rabbits. Symposium sponsored by Visual Sciences Study Section, N.I.H. 97-105.
BARLOW, H.B. & LEVICK, W.R. (1965). The mechanism of directionally selective units in rabbit's retina. J. Physiol. 178, 477-504.
BARLOW, H.B. (1965). Visual resolution and the diffraction limit. Science, Vol. 149, 553-555.
BARLOW, H.B. (1965). Optic nerve impulses and Weber's Law. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 30, 539-546.
TELLER, D.Y., ANDREWS, D.P. & BARLOW, H.B. (1966). Local adaptation in stabilized vision. Vision Research 6, 701-705.
BARLOW, H.B., LEVICK, W.R. & WESTHEIMER, G. (1966). Computer-plotted receptive fields. Science 154, 920.
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BARLOW, H.B. (1967). Organized forgetting: A disorganized critique of the distinctions among various types of memory. In: The Organization of Recall, Proceedings of the Second Conference (1964) of Learning, Remembering, and Forgettting. D.P. Kimble (Ed), N.Y. Acad. Sci. New York. pp 342-349.
BARLOW, H.B. & ANDREWS, D.P. (1967). Sensitivity of receptors and receptor "pools". J. opt. Soc. Am. 57, 837-838.
BARLOW, H.B., BLAKEMORE, C. & PETTIGREW, J.D. (1967). The neural mechanism of binocular depth discrimination. J. Physiol. 193, 327-342.
BARLOW, H.B. & LEVICK, W.R. (1968). The Purkinje Shift in the Cat retina. J.Physiol. 196, 2P.
LEVICK, W.R. & BARLOW, H.B. (1968). Luminance signals from cat retinal ganglion cells. The Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci. 46, 11.
BARLOW, H.B. & LEVICK, W.R. (1969). Three factors limiting the reliable detection of light by retinal ganglion cells of the cat. J. Physiol. 200, 1-24.
BARLOW, H.B. (1969). Pattern recognition and the responses of sensory neurons. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 156, 872-881.
BARLOW, H.B. & LEVICK, W.R. (1969). Changes in the maintained discharge with adaptation level in the cat retina. J. Physiol. 202, 699-718.
BARLOW, H.B. (1969). Scaling and refractoriness in pulse trains. J. opt. Soc. Am. 59, [11]: 1500.
BARLOW, H.B. (1969). Stabilized retinal images. Rendiconti della Scuola Int. di Fisica "Enrico Fermi", XLIII Corso. Academic Press, pp 431-441.
BARLOW, H.B. & LEVICK, W.R. (1969). Coding of light intensity by the cat retina. Rendiconti della Scoula Int. di Fisica "Enrico Fermi", XLIII Corso. Academic Press, pp 385-396.
BARLOW, H.B. (1969). Trigger features, adaptation and economy of impulses. In: Information Processing in the Nervous System, M. Leibovic (Ed.), Springer-Verlag: New York, pp 209-226.
BARLOW, H.B. (1970). Definition of Intelligence. Nature 228, 1008.
BARLOW, H.B. (1970). Sensitivity and spontaneous activity in the cat's retina. J. Physiol. Soc. Jap. Vol. 32, 543-544.
BARLOW, H.B. & PETTIGREW, J.D. (1971). Lack of specificity of neurones in the visual cortex of young kittens. J. Physiol. 218, 98-100P.
BARLOW, H.B., LEVICK, W.R. & YOON, M. (1971). Responses to single quanta of light in retinal ganglion cells of the cat. Vision Research 11, Supplement No. 3, 87-101.
BARLOW, H.B. (1971). Foundations of cyclopean perception by Bela Julesz, Vision Research 14, 221. Book Review.
BARLOW, H.B. (1972) Rate of dark adaptation in the cat. Vision Research 12, 139-140.
BARLOW, H.B. & OSWALD, T.J. (1972). The pecten of the pigeon's eye as an intra-ocular eye shade. Nature New Biol. 236, 88-90.
BARLOW, H.B. (1972). Dark and light adaptation: psychophysics. In: Handbook of Sensory Physiology. D.A. Jameson and L.M. Hurvich (Eds), Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Vol. 7, part 4, pp 1-28.
BARLOW, H.B., NARASHIMHAN, R. & ROSENFELD, A. (1972). Visual pattern analysis of machines and animals. Science 177, 567-575.
BARLOW, H.B. (1972). Single units and sensation: A neuron doctrine for perceptual psychology? Perception 1, 371-394.
BARLOW, H.B. & SAKITT, B. (1973). Doubts about scotopic interactions in stabilised vision. Vision Research 13, 523-524.
BARLOW, H.B. & ANDREWS, D.P. (1973). The site at which rhodopsin bleaching raises the scotopic threshold. Vision Research 13, 903.
PETTIGREW, J., OLSON, C. & BARLOW, H.B. (1973). Kitten visual cortex: short-term, stimulus-induced changes in connectivity. Science 180, 1202-1203.
BARLOW, H.B. (1974). Redundancy and perception. In: Proceedings of the Summer School on the Physics and Mathematics of the Nervous System at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste. Springer Lecture Note Series in Biomathematics (ed.).
BARLOW, H.B., BLAKEMORE, C. & VAN SLUYTERS, R.C. (1974). Measurement of residual eye movements during the analysis of disparity of receptive fields of visual neurones. J. Physiol. 242, 38-39P.
BARLOW, H.B. (1974). Inductive inference, coding, perception and language. Perception 3,123-134.
WILCOX, J.G. & BARLOW, H.B. (1975). The size and shape of the pupil in lightly anaesthetized cats as a function of luminance. Vision Research 15, 1363-1365.
BARLOW, H.B. (1975). Visual experience and cortical development. Nature 258, 199-204.
BARLOW, H.B. (1976). Is neurobiology totally non-mathematical? In: Lectures on Mathematics in the Life Sciences, Vol. 8, of the American Mathematical Society.
BARLOW, H.B. & LEVICK, W.R. (1976). Threshold setting by the surround of cat retinal ganglion cells. J. Physiol. 259, 737-757.
LENNIE, P., DERRINGTON, A.M., HARRIS, L.R. & BARLOW, H.B. (1976). McIlwain's peripheral shift effect. Neuroscience Letters, 3, 98-99
BARLOW, H.B. & VAN MEETEREN, A. (1976). Measuring the efficiency of detecting patterns in random dots. J. Physiol. 254, 10P.
BARLOW, H.B., MACLEOD, D.I.A. & VAN MEETEREN, A. (1976). Adaptation to gratings: No compensatory advantage found. Vision Research. 16, 1043- 1045.
BARLOW, H.B. (1976). The languages of the brain. In: The Encyclopaedia of Ignorance, M. Weston-Smith and R. Duncan (Eds), Vol. 2. Pergamon Press: Oxford.
BARLOW, H.B. (1977). Retinal and central factors in human vision limited by noise. In: Photoreception in Vertebrates, H.B. Barlow and P. Fatt (Eds), Academic Press: London.
BARLOW, H.B., DERRINGTON, A.M., HARRIS, L.R. & LENNIE, P. (1977). The effects of remote retinal stimulation on the responses of cat retinal ganglion cells. J. Physiol. 269, 177-194.
BARLOW, H.B. (1977). Performance, perception, dark-light, and gain boxes. Neurosciences Res. Prog. Bull. 15, No. 3, 394-397.
BARLOW, H.B. (1978). The efficiency of detecting changes of density in random dot patterns. Vision Research 18, 637-650.
BARLOW, H.B. (1978). The absolute efficiency of human pattern detection. In: Frontiers in Visual Science, S.J. Cool, E.L. Smith III and D.L. MacAdam (Eds), pp 240-252, Springer Verlag: New York.
BARLOW, H.B. & REEVES, B.(1979) The versatility and absolute efficiency of detecting mirror symmetry in random dot displays. Vision Research 19, 783-793.
BARLOW, H.B. (1979). Nature's Joke: A conjecture on the biological role of consciousness. In: Consciousness and the Physical World, B.D. Josephson and V.S. Ramachandran (Eds), Pergamon Press: Oxford. pp 81-90.
BARLOW, H.B. (1979). Reconstructing the visual image in space and time. Nature 279, 189-190.
BARLOW, H.B. (1979). Three theories of cortical function. In: Developmental Neurobiology of Vision, R.D. Freeman (Ed.), Plenum Press: New York, pp 1-16.
BARLOW, H.B. (1980). Cortical function: a tentative theory and preliminary test. In: Neural Mechanisms in Behaviour, pp 143-171. D. McFadden (Ed.), Springer-Verlag: New York.
BARLOW, H.B. (1980). The absolute efficiency of perceptual decisions. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. B. 290, 71-82.
BARLOW, H.B. (1980). Theories of cortical function and measurement of its performance. In: Neurobiological Basis of Learning and Memory, Y Tsukada and B W Agranoff (Eds), Wiley: N.Y.
BARLOW, H.B. (1980). Visual cortex and psychophysics of vision. Neurosci. Letters Suppl. 5, S3.
BARLOW, H.B. & MCNAUGHTON, P.A. (1980). Illusory curvature caused by retinal delay. J. Physiol. 308, 11-12P.
BARLOW, H.B. (1981). Physiological linking hypotheses. In: "Relating Physiology to Psychophysics: current problems and approaches". pp 83-87, W. Makous, D. Hood, T. Pasternak & D. Green (Eds.), Report of 12th Symposium of the Center for Visual Sciences, University of Rochester, New York, held 18-20 June, 1981.
VAN MEETEREN, A. & BARLOW, H.B. (1981). The statistical efficiency for detecting sinusoidal modulation of average dot density in random figures. Vision Research 21, 765-777.
BARLOW, H.B. (1981). Critical limiting factors in the design of the eye and visual cortex. The Ferrier Lecture, 1980. Proc. R. Soc. Lond.B. 212, 1-34.
BURGESS, A.E., WAGNER, R.F., JENNINGS, R.J. & BARLOW, H.B. (1981). Efficiency of human visual signal discrimination. Science 214, 93-94.
SAKITT, B. & BARLOW, H.B. (1982). A model for the economical encoding of the visual image in the cerebral cortex. Biological Cybernetics 43, 97- 108.
BARLOW, H.B. (1982). The past, present and future of feature detectors. Given at a Symposium held at the University of Austin, March, 1979. (Ed. D.G. Albrecht). In: Recognition of Pattern and Form, pp 4-32. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, No. 44 (Ed. S. Levin) Springer-Verlag: Berlin.
BARLOW, H.B. (1982). What causes trichromacy? A theoretical analysis using comb-filtered spectra. Vision Research 22, 636-643.
BARLOW, H.B. & MOLLON, J.D. (Eds) (1982). The Senses. Cambridge Texts in the Physiological Sciences, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press: Ch. 1, pp 1-33; Ch. 6, pp 102-113; Ch. 7 (with J.D. Mollon), pp 114-132; Ch. 8 (with J.M. Woodhouse), pp 133-164; Ch. 20 (with J. Atkinson and O.Braddick), pp 448-469.
BARLOW, H.B. (1982). David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel. Their contribution towards understanding the primary visual cortex. Trends in Neuroscience 5, 145-152.
BARLOW, H.B., GEMPERLEIN, R., PAUL, R. & STEINER, A. (1983). Human contrast sensitivity for comb-filtered spectra. J. Physiol. 340, 50P.
BARLOW, H.B. (1983). Understanding natural vision. In: Physical and Biological Processing of Images (Proceedings of an International Symposium organized by The Rank Prize Funds, London, England, 27-29 Sept. 1982). Vol. 11, Springer series in Information Sciences, O.J. Braddick and A.C. Sleigh (Eds), pp 2-14.
WATSON, A.B., BARLOW, H.B. & ROBSON, J.G. (1983). What does the eye see best? Nature 302, 419-422.
BURGESS, A.E. & BARLOW, H.B. (1983). The precision of numerosity discrimination in arrays of random dots. Vision Res. 23, 811‑820.
BARLOW, H.B. (1983). Intelligence, Guesswork, Language. Nature 304, 207-209. Also in: Matters of Intelligence, L.M. Vaina (Ed.) 1987. pp 185-195.
BARLOW, H.B. (1983). Visual coding: the retina. In: Proceedings of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, 29th Congress, Sydney, Australia, Abstract 166.02, p. 72.
BARLOW, H.B. (1983). If there are cortical modules, what do they do? In: Proc.International Union of Physiological Sciences, 29th Congress, Sydney, Australia. Abstract 410.03, p. 327.
LEVICK, W.R., THIBOS, L.N., COHN, T.E., CATANZARO, D. & BARLOW, H.B. (1983). Performance of cat retinal ganglion cells at low light levels. J. Gen. Physiol. 82, 405-426.
PHILLIPS, C.G., ZEKI, S. & BARLOW, H.B. (1984). Localisation of function in the cerebral cortex. Past, Present and Future. Brain 107, 327‑361.
KERSTEN, D. & BARLOW, H.B. (1984). Searching for the high-contrast patterns we see best. Suppl. to Invest. Ophthal. & Vis. Sci. Vol. 25, No. 3, p 313(2).
BARLOW, H.B. (1984). Some simple observations on the combination of visual information from binocular and motion parallax. In: Computational Models of Hearing and Vision, Symposium held in Tallinn, Nov 19-21, 1984, pp 63-65.
BARLOW, H.B. (1985). The role of nature, nurture and intelligence in pattern recognition. Pontificae Academiae Scientiarvm Scripta Varia 54, 121‑308, C. Chagas, R. Gattass and C. Gross (Eds). Also in: Pattern Recognition Mechanisms, C. Chagas, R. Gattass and C. Gross (Eds), Experimental Brain Research Supplementum 11 (1986), Springer, Berlin.
BARLOW, H.B. (1985). The role of single neurons in the psychology of perception. Bartlett Lecture, 1984. Q. J. Expl Psychology 37A, 121-145.
BARLOW, H.B. (1985). Perception: What quantitative laws govern the acquisition of knowledge from the senses? In: Functions of the Brain, Wolfson College Lectures, 1982, C. Coen (Ed.), Oxford University Press.
BARLOW, H. B. (1985). Why have multiple cortical areas? Talk given at Workshop on Systems Approach to Vision, 1984. Vision Research, 26, 81‑90.
BARLOW, H.B. (1985). Cerebral cortex as a model builder. In: Models of the Visual Cortex, D. Rose and V. Dobson (Eds), John Wiley: Chichester.pp. 37-46. (Also in: Matters of Intelligence, L.M. Vaina (Ed.), 1987 pp. 395‑406.
BARLOW, H.B. (1986). Why can't the eye see better. In: Visual Neuroscience, J.D. Pettigrew, K.J. Sanderson & W.R. Levick (Eds). P O Bishop Festschrift, 1984. Cambridge: CUP.pp 3-18.
KERSTEN, D. and BARLOW, H.B. (1985) Why are contrast thresholds so high? ARVO Suppl. to Invest. Ophthal. & Vis. Sci. Vol. 26, 140.
BARLOW, H.B. (1986). William Rushton F.R.S. 1901-1980, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, Vol 32, 423-459. Cambridge University Press.
MALONEY, R.K., MITCHISON, G.J. and BARLOW, H.B. (1987). The limit to the detection of Glass patterns in the presence of noise. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 4, 2336-2341.
BARLOW, H.B., HAWKEN, M. KAUSHAL, T.P. and PARKER, A.J. (1987). Human contrast discrimination and the threshold of cortical neurons. J. Optical Society of America A, 4, 2366-2371.
BARLOW, H.B. (1987). Efficiency, versatility, cognitive maps and language. A comment on The comparative psychology of ntelligence by E. Macphail, Behavioural and Brain Sciences. 10:4, 657-658.
BARLOW, H.B. (1990). What does the brain see? How does it understand? In: Images and Understanding, H.B. Barlow, C.B. Blakemore and E.M. Weston- Smith (Eds). Cambridge University Press.
BARLOW, H.B. (1987). The biological role of consciousness. In: Mindwaves, C. Blakemore and S. Greenfield (Eds). Basil Blackwell, Oxford, pp 361-374.
BARLOW, H.B. (1987). Hubel and Wiesel: Joint work. In: The Oxford Companion to the Mind, R.L. Gregory (Ed.). Oxford University Press, pp 313-315.
BARLOW, H.B. (1987). Intelligence: the art of good guesswork. In: The Oxford Companion to the Mind. R.L. Gregory (Ed.). Oxford University Press, pp 381-383.
BARLOW, H.B. (1990). A theory about the functional role and synaptic mechanism of visual after-effects. In: Vision: coding and efficiency, C B Blakemore (Ed). Cambridge University Press.
SNYDER, A.W. and BARLOW, H.B. (1988). Revealing the artist's touch. Nature, 331; 117-118.
VERGHESE, P., PELLI, D.G. and BARLOW, H.B. (1988). Detecting the absence of motion. ARVO 1988 abtracts.
FIELD, D.J., KERSTEN, D. and BARLOW, H.B. (1988). Is redundancy increased or decreased in visual coding. ARVO 1988 abtracts.
BARLOW, H.B. (1988). Neuroscience: a new era? A comment on: Neural Darwinism: The Theory of Neuronal Group Selection by Edelman, G.M. Basic Books Inc., New York, (1987) In: Nature, 331, p571.
BARLOW, H.B. (1988). A comment on: Mental Processes: Studies in Cognitive Science by Longuet-Higgins, H.C. Published by MIT Press, Mass. (1987). Q. J. Expl Psychology. 41A, 417-420
BARLOW, H.B. (1988). A comment on: Eye, Brain and Vision by Hubel, D.H. [Published by Scientific American Library, New York (1988)]. New Scientist, 1611, 5 May 1988 p67.
BARLOW, H.B. and HODGKIN, D. (1990). A review of : Blindsight by Weiskrantz, L. and To See But Not To See by Humphreys, G.W. and Riddoch, M.J. Q. J. Expl. Psychology. 42A, 173-188.
BARLOW, H.B. (1988). The thermal limit to seeing. Nature, 334, pp 296-297.
BARLOW, H. B., & FÖLDIÁK, P. (1989). Adaptation and decorrelation in the cortex. In R. Durbin, C. Miall, & G. Mitchison (Ed.), The Computing Neuron (pp. 54-72). Wokingham, England: Addison-Wesley.
BARLOW, H. B. (1990). The Mechanical Mind. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 13, 15-24.
BARLOW, H. B., KAUSHAL, T. P., & MITCHISON, G. J. (1989). Finding minimum entropy codes. Neural Computation, 1, 406-416.
BARLOW, H. B. (1989). Unsupervised learning. Neural Computation, 1, 295-311.
HENTSCHEL, H. G. E. & BARLOW, H. B. (1988) The two-dimensional global matcher. In Esprit project P 940, Depth and Motion Analysis. Report R 4 2 1 Matching Geometric Representations.
HENTSCHEL, H. G. E. , BARLOW, H. B. & FOLDIAK, P.(1989) Path planning by a mobile vehicle using VLSI design automation algortithms. In Esprit project P 940, Depth and Motion Analysis. Report R 4 3 1 Motion Planning and Tracking.
BARLOW, H. B. (1990). Communication and Representation in the brain. In H. W. Mellor, & P. Johnson-Laird (Ed.), Communication; The Darwin Lectures 1989 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
BARLOW, H. B. (1990). Conditions for versatile learning, Helmholtz’s unconscious inference, and the task of perception. Vision Research, 30, 1561‑1571
BARLOW, H. B. (1992). The Biological Role of Neocortex. pp 53-80 in Information Processing in the Cortex, (also Independence, pp167-168; Single cells versus Neuronal Assemblies, pp169-173; Neurons as Computational Elements, pp175-178). Eds A Aertsen and V Braitenberg. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
BARLOW, H. B. (1991). Vision tells you more than “What is Where”. In A. Gorea (Ed.), Representations of Vision Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
BARLOW, H. B. (1991) Final report on participation in Esprit project P 940, Depth and Motion Analysis.
HENTSCHEL, H G E AND BARLOW, H B (1991) Minimum entropy coding with Hopfield networks Network 2 135-148
BARLOW, H B (1993) Object identification and cortical organisation. In The Functional Organisation of the Human Visual Cortex, (eds B Gulyas, David Ottoson and Per Roland). Oxford: Pergamon Press
GARDNER-MEDWIN, A. R. & BARLOW, H. B. (1992) The effect of sparseness in distributed representations on the detectability of associations between sensory events. Journal of Physiology 452, 282P
BARLOW, H. B. (1993) What is the Computational Goal of the Neocortex? Chapter in Large scale neuronal theories of the brain, (eds Christof Koch and Joel Davis). MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.
BARLOW, H. B. (1994) The Neuron Doctrine in Perception. Chapter in The Cognitive Neurosciences, ed M Gazzaniga. Boston; MIT Press.
BARLOW, H. B., and TOLHURST, D. J. (1992) Why do you have edge detectors? In 1992 Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, 1992 Technical Digest series volume 23 (pp. 172). Albuquerque, NM: Washington: Optical Society of America.
BARLOW H B (1995) Cell assemblies versus single cells. To appear in:- Brain Theory: Biological Basis and Computational Theory of Vision. Proceedings of the 5th International Meeting on Brain Theory, Trento, Italy, 5-7 April 1994. Edited by A Aertsen and V Braitenberg.
BARLOW, H.B. (1997). Single neurons, communal goals, and consciousness. In M. Ito, Y. Miyashita & E. T. Rolls (Eds.), Cognition, computation, and consciousness (pp. 121-136). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
BARLOW H B (1995) Banishing the Homunculus. In D. Knill & W. Richards (Eds.), Perception as Bayesian Inference Camridge: Cambridge University Press.
BARLOW H B (1996) Intraneural information processing, directional selectivity, and memory for phase sequences Network: Computation in Neural Systems 7, 251-259
BARLOW H B (1996) A forest of principles. Current Biology 6,100.
PELAH, A and BARLOW H B (1996) Visual illusion from running Nature 381, 283
BARLOW, H.B., TRIPATHY, S.P. & BADDELEY, R. (1995). The statistical efficiency for detecting coherent motion. Perception (Suppl.), 24, 1.
BARLOW H B (1997) The knowledge used in vision and where it comes from. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 352(1358):1141-1147.
M CARANDINI, H B BARLOW, L P O'KEEFE, A B POIRSON, & J A MOVSHON (1997) Adaptation to contingencies in macaque primary visual cortex. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 352(1358):1149-54.
JAMES ANDERSON, HORACE BARLOW, RICHARD GREGORY (1997) Organisers' Introduction. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. In press
BARLOW H B (1998) The nested networks of brains and minds. For CIBA Foundation Symposium # 213 on Limits of Reductionism in Biology. ed L Wolpert..
BARLOW H B (1997) Adaptation by hyperpolarization. "Perspective" Science, May 1997.
BARLOW H B (1996) The psychology of the frog's retina. In The Experimental Psychology Society 1946-1996. (ed J D Mollon): Experimental Psychology Society, Cambridge 1996. (not a recent work, but at least it has now been printed!)
TRIPATHY, S.P. & BARLOW, H.B. (1996). The effect of dot number on correspondence noise in random dot kinematograms. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.), 37/3, pp.S745.
TRIPATHY, S.P., MUSSAP, A.J. & BARLOW, H.B. (1996). Perceptual grouping of dots in noise. Perception (Suppl.), 25, pp. 3.
TRIPATHY, S.P. & BARLOW, H.B. (1997). Correspondence noise limit to motion perception in stimuli with multiple frames. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Suppl.), 38/4, pp.S375.
TRIPATHY, S.P. & BARLOW, H.B. (1997). Correspondence noise limits to global motion perception. Invited talk to be given at the Symposium “Limits to Visual Perception: A Comparative Approach” on Aug. 25 at the European Conference on Visual Perception held in Helsinki.
BARLOW, H.B. & TRIPATHY, S.P. (1997). Correspondence noise and signal pooling in the detection of coherent visual motion. Journal of Neuroscience 17, 7954-7966
BARLOW H B (1998) Prediction, inference, and the homunculus. (BBS Commentary on article by Pessoa et al on Filling-In) Behavioural and Brain Science 21(6), 750-751
TRIPATHY, S P & BARLOW, H B (1999) Spatio-temporal tuning and summation in the mechanisms for detecting global motion. ARVO abstract 1999.
BARLOW, H B (1998) Cerebral Predictions. Perception, 27, 885-888
TRIPATHY, S.P.,MUSSAP, A.J., BARLOW, H.B. (1999) Detecting collinear dots in noise Vision Research 39, 4161-4171
BARLOW, H B (1999) Cerebral Cortex The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (eds R A Wilson, F C Keil) pp 111-113
BARLOW, H B (1999) Feature detectors The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (eds R A Wilson, F C Keil) pp 311-313
BONNARDEL, V., RUDERMAN, D. L., & BARLOW, H. B. (1997). Fast determination of the spectral modulation sensitivity function: a comparison between trichomats and deuteranopes. In Colour vision deficiencies XIII, ed. Cavonius, C. R., pp. 415-424. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
TRIPATHY, S P & BARLOW, H B (1998) Coherent motion between non-adjacent fields of a random dot kinematogram. J Physiol 506. 86-87 P.
MOGI, K & BARLOW, H B (1999) The source of variability in neural responses from MT. J.Physiol 515, 101-102 P
WONG,W & BARLOW, H B (2000) Tunes and templates Nature 404, 952-953
A R GARDNER-MEDWIN & H B BARLOW (2001) The limits of counting accuracy in distributed neural representations Neural Computation 13, 477-504
H B BARLOW AND A R GARDNER-MEDWIN (2000) Localist representation can improve efficiency for detection and counting. (BBS Commentary on article on Connectionist Modelling by Mike Page) Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23:467-
BARLOW, H B (2001) Redundancy reduction revisited. Network : computation in neural systems 12, 241-253
BARLOW, H B (2001) The exploitation of regularities in the environment by the brain. Brain and Behavioral sciences 24, 602-607
BARLOW, H B (2002) Cognition as code-breaking. Perception and the Physical World (Eds Dieter Heyer and Rainer Mausfeld). Ch 2, pp 21-35. Chichester, England: John Wiley and Sons,Ltd
BARLOW, H B (2002) Hidden agenda. Perception and the Physical World (Eds Dieter Heyer and Rainer Mausfeld). Ch 12, pp 307-316. Chichester, England: John Wiley and Sons,Ltd
BARLOW, HORACE (2002) Are sceptics and believers both wrong ? The Paranormal Review, Issue 23, pages 18-21
HORACE BARLOW (2003) The Role of single neurons in the past and future of neurobiology. Visual Neuroscience, Ch 2 pp 14-29 (eds L Chalupa and J Werner). MIT Press .
B OLSHAUSEN AND H B BARLOW (2004) Convergent evidence for the visual analysis of motion through anisotropic attenuation of high spatial frequencies Journal of Vision 4. 415-426
H B BARLOW (2004) Consciousness, communication, civilisation Oxford Companion to the mind, 2nd edition 2004 (ed Richard Gregory) pp 219-221.
H B BARLOW (2006) Review of “Seeing, Doing and Knowing: A Philosphical Theory of Sense Perception” by Moh an Mathan. BioEssays 28:1056-1059. Wiley Periodicals.
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The list of Barlow's publications is taken from a list compiled by Barlow himself: https://web.archive.org/web/20110927003556/http://www.trin.cam.ac.uk/horacebarlow/