Beaumont, Lady Margaret Anne (c 1831-1888), née de Burgh, wife of Wentworth Blackett Beaumont, 1st Baron Allendale


Soort entiteit


Geauthoriseerde naam

Beaumont, Lady Margaret Anne (c 1831-1888), née de Burgh, wife of Wentworth Blackett Beaumont, 1st Baron Allendale

Parallelle vormen van de naam

    Gestandaardiseerde naamvorm(en) volgens andere regels.

      Aandere naamsvormen

        Identificatiecode voor organisaties



        c 1831-1888




        Functies, beroepen en activiteiten

        Mandaat/bronnen van bevoegdheid

        Interne structuren / genealogie

        Algemene context


        Related entity

        Bampfylde, Margaret Harriet (1856-1931), née Beaumont, wife of Coplestone Bampfylde, 3rd Baron Poltimore (1856-1931)

        Identifier of related entity

        Soort relatie


        Type of relationship

        Bampfylde, Margaret Harriet (1856-1931), née Beaumont, wife of Coplestone Bampfylde, 3rd Baron Poltimore is the child of Beaumont, Lady Margaret Anne (c 1831-1888), née de Burgh, wife of Wentworth Blackett Beaumont, 1st Baron Allendale

        Datering van de relatie

        Beschrijving van de relatie

        Related entity

        Wentworth, Lady Harriet Augusta Vernon- (c 1835-1901), née de Burgh, wife of Thomas Frederick Charles Vernon-Wentworth (1835-1901)

        Identifier of related entity

        Soort relatie


        Type of relationship

        Wentworth, Lady Harriet Augusta Vernon- (c 1835-1901), née de Burgh, wife of Thomas Frederick Charles Vernon-Wentworth is the sibling of Beaumont, Lady Margaret Anne (c 1831-1888), née de Burgh, wife of Wentworth Blackett Beaumont, 1st Baron Allendale

        Datering van de relatie

        Beschrijving van de relatie

        Related entity

        Boyle, Emily Charlotte (1828-1912), née de Burgh, poet and writer, wife of 9th Earl of Cork (1828-1912)

        Identifier of related entity

        Soort relatie


        Type of relationship

        Boyle, Emily Charlotte (1828-1912), née de Burgh, poet and writer, wife of 9th Earl of Cork is the sibling of Beaumont, Lady Margaret Anne (c 1831-1888), née de Burgh, wife of Wentworth Blackett Beaumont, 1st Baron Allendale

        Datering van de relatie

        Beschrijving van de relatie

        Related entity

        Beaumont, Wentworth Blackett (1829-1907) 1st Baron Allendale, politician (1829-1907)

        Identifier of related entity

        Soort relatie


        Type of relationship

        Beaumont, Wentworth Blackett (1829-1907) 1st Baron Allendale, politician is the spouse of Beaumont, Lady Margaret Anne (c 1831-1888), née de Burgh, wife of Wentworth Blackett Beaumont, 1st Baron Allendale

        Datering van de relatie

        1856 - 1888

        Beschrijving van de relatie

        Access points area

        Onderwerp trefwoord

        Geografische trefwoorden



        Authority record identifier

        Identificatiecode van de instelling

        Toegepaste regels en/of conventies


        Niveau van detaillering

        Datering van aanmaak, herziening of verwijdering

        Taal (talen)


