Pièce 136 - Copy letter from J. G. Frazer to John Roscoe

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Add. MS b/37/136


Copy letter from J. G. Frazer to John Roscoe


  • c 1947-c 1955 (Production)

Niveau de description


Étendue matérielle et support

1 item; typescript copy

Zone du contexte

Histoire archivistique

Source immédiate d'acquisition ou de transfert

Zone du contenu et de la structure

Portée et contenu

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 7th July 1920 - Lists who he saw in Cambridge at the honorary degree ceremony: Arthur Balfour, the Ridgeways, [William?] Cox, A. B. Cook, Henry Jackson, who is frail; has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society; Sir Peter Mackie has given £3500 in total to the expedition; will send a copy of an article on his work among the Bahima in 'Man'; comments on the customs of the Banyoro; is interested in measurement of all kinds; have seen much of Malinowski; Lilly is much better and editing an anthology of recent French poetry for Oxford University Press, and has a big scheme in mind for developing French in Britain.

Appraisal, destruction and scheduling


System of arrangement

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Conditions d’accès

Conditions governing reproduction

Language of material

    Script of material

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      Existence and location of copies

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      Mots-clés - Sujets

      Mots-clés - Lieux

      Mots-clés - Genre

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      Niveau de détail

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