Part f. 2r - Copy of the court roll of the manor of Fulmodeston cum Croxton, Norfolk, recording the admission of John Backe to 1½ roods of land surrendered out of court by Thomas Umphery or Umphrey

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R./1.1/f. 2r


Copy of the court roll of the manor of Fulmodeston cum Croxton, Norfolk, recording the admission of John Backe to 1½ roods of land surrendered out of court by Thomas Umphery or Umphrey


  • 11 Jan. 1639 (Creation)

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[In the margin:] Fulmodeston cum Croxton
Ad curiam
Baronis generalem cum Leta ibidem tentam die Sabbati scilicet vndecimo die Ianuarii Anno Regni domini nostri Caroli dei gratia Anglie Scotie Francie et Hibernie Regis fidei defensor etc: Decimo quinto Annoque domini 1639.

Et quod Thomas Vmphery natiuus tenens huius Manerij extra Curiam scilicet decimo Nono die Nouembris Anno domini Millesimo Sexcentensimo tricesimo octauo {1} secundum consuetudinem huius Manerij Sursum reddidit in manus dominorum istius Manerij per manus Thome Alford natiui tenentis dicti Manerij in presencia et testimonio Iacobi Ieruis et Iohannis Howman consimiliter natiuorum tenentium eiusdem Manerij vnam peciam terre continentem vnum† rodam iacentem in Clauso Iohannis Backe et abuttantem super terram dicti Thome Vmphery tam versus orientem quam uersus occidentem et iacet inter terram dicti Iohannis Backe tam versus boream quam versus austrum, Necnon vnam aliam peciam terre iacentem in alio Clauso dicti Iohannis Backe continentem per estimacionem dimidium vnius rode existentem inter parcellam vnius acre que fuit inclusa per dictum Thomam Vmphery et abuttat super terram dicti Iohannis Backe versus austrum Et super viam ducentem a Fulmodeston ad Croxton versus borream Ad opus et vsum Iohannis Backe et heredum suorum Superquo† ad hanc Curiam venit predictus Iohannes Backe et petit se ex gracia dominorum admitti tenens ad predicta premissa Quam quidem rodam inde vt parcella octodecem acrarum et trium rodarum terre natiue quondam Iohannis Bond quamque dimidiam rodam inde vt parcella vnius rode terre natiue interalia† predictus Thomas vmphrey simulcum Margareta vxor eius ceperunt ex sursum redditione Thome Vmphrey et Katherine vxoris eius ad Curiam baronis generalis cum Leta ibidem tentam die Marcurij† duodecimo die Octobris Anno Regni domini nostri Caroli nunc Regis Anglie etc’ septimo Millesimo Sexcentesimo tricesimo primo {2} prout in Rottulis eiusdem Curie patet Et admittitur dictus Iohannes Backe, Cui liberta est inde seisina per virgam Tenendum sibi et heredibus suis ad voluntatem dominorum secundum consuetudinem huius Manerij per redditus servicia et consuetudines inde prius debita et de Iure consueta Saluo Iure etc’ Et dand’ est de fine etc’:/ Et fecit proinde fidelitatem etc’:/

Examinatur per me Car: Turner [paraph] senescallum ibidem

[Endorsed:] Tho: vmphrey to Io Back of 1ac & 2 roods:/ And Io: Back to his wife for life of: 6ac 2r.


The original capitalisation has been retained. Most abbreviations have been expanded. A few errors (‘Sexcem’mo’ for ‘Sexcenmo’, ‘dnorum’ for ‘d’norum’, and ‘Millimo’ for ‘Mill’imo’) have been silently corrected. Words written in a large hand in the original are in bold type.

{1} 19 Nov. 1638.

{2} 12 Oct. 1631.

† Sic.

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    This description was created by A. C. Green in 2021.




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