
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
251 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Fabio Ranchetti File 1966–77
253 Piero Sraffa to Brian Reddaway Item 25 Apr 1971
255 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Dorothea Reeves File 1965–66
266 Piero Sraffa to Alessandro Roncaglia Item 19 Apr 1976
267 Franco Rodano to Piero Sraffa File 1950–76
270 Marion Rosselli to Piero Sraffa Item [28 Oct 1928]
272 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Paolo Rossi with correspondence concerning Rossi File 1945–46
277 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and John Saville File 1966
285 Rolando Sensini to Piero Sraffa Item Jul 1980
290 Aubrey Silberston to Piero Sraffa with a copy letter from Silberston to Mario Carrara with a note by Piero Sraffa on Carrara File 1967
291 Roger Simon to Piero Sraffa with a list of extracts from Gramsci he proposes to publish File 1967–68
294 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Rudiger Soltwedel File 1968
299 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Sylvia Sprigge File 1963
302 Jonathan Steinberg to Piero Sraffa Item 28 Apr 1977
304 Sergio Steve to Piero Sraffa with a note from Enrico Zaghini File 1966–74
316 Janet P Trevelyan to Angelo Sraffa with comments on Piero Sraffa's eligibility to enter Britain Item 19 May 1927
319 Luca Tronzano to Piero Sraffa Item 23 Nov 1971
322 Graham Tucker to Piero Sraffa File 1960,70
324 Unione Tipografica-Editrice Torinese to Piero Sraffa Item 29 Mar 1935
326 Giuseppe della Vedova to Piero Sraffa Item 27 Apr 1977
330 Vito Volterra to Piero Sraffa Item 9 Dec 1931
333 Alister Watson to Piero Sraffa Item 13 Feb 1958
335 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Stanley G Wheeler with a letter from Luigi Pasinetti File Mar 1966
336 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and L White File Jan 1967
339 Enrico Zaghini to Piero Sraffa File 1967
341 Renato Zangheri to Piero Sraffa File 1967–69
6 Fabio Anderaos de Araujo to Piero Sraffa File 1980
11 Giuseppe Aymerich to Piero Sraffa Item 31 Jan 1975
17 Piero Sraffa to Enrico Berlinguer Item 25 Jan 1972
22 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale in Florence File 1967–68