
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
279 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Bertram Schefold File 1972–74
281 J A Schumpeter to Piero Sraffa File [1932]
287 J T Sheppard to Piero Sraffa Item 7 Oct 1935
293 A Solovyev to Piero Sraffa Item 1970
297a G A L Spinelli to Piero Sraffa Item 11 Jan 1967
301 Herman Starobin to Piero Sraffa with a forwarding letter from F M Algate File 1967
303 Ulrich Steinvorth to Piero Sraffa Item 22 Oct 1974
305 Elisio Striglione to Piero Sraffa Item n.d.
308 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and D Tadei with a copy of a French translation of "Dr Hayek on money and capital" File 1972
309 [Angelo Tasca] to Piero Sraffa File 1927
313 Elizabeth B Tolman to Piero Sraffa File 24 Nov 1955
318 Treves-Treccani-Tumminelli Item 1933
325 Piero Sraffa to T van Shaik Item 13 Jan 1971
328 Jacob Viner to Piero Sraffa File 1947–48
329 Correspondence with Contessa Luisa Visconti di Modrone Item Nov 1960
331 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and G H von Wright, Ben Richards, Gilbert Ryle and J Burnaby File 1951–67
332 Katherine Vulliamy to Piero Sraffa Item 3 Jan 1937
338 Donald Winch to Piero Sraffa File 1966
342 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Ricardo Zorn File 1966–78
343 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Domenico Zucaro with letters from Carlo Gramsci and Elsa Fubini and correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Camilla Ravera File 1962–63
1 Anonymous correspondence and correspondence with unidentified correspondents File n.d.
2 Shiro Aimi to Piero Sraffa File 1962
3 Gabriel Alon to Piero Sraffa File 19 Jan 1969
5 G E M Anscombe to Piero Sraffa enclosing sample proofs of Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations File 16 Jan 1952
7 Cambridge Arts Theatre Item n.d.
9 Queirolo Assunta to Piero Sraffa File 1968,74
10 D Auvermann to Piero Sraffa File 1967
26 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and C P Blitch File Oct 1975
31 Ugo Borrione to Piero Sraffa File 12 Nov 1979
32 Correspondence between Piero Sraffa and Arun Bose with a copy letter from Joan Robinson and note from Lord Annan File 1964–66