referentie code
- Mar.-Apr. 1883 (Vervaardig)
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1 vol.
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Bereik en inhoud
85 pp. diary of a train trip made with [James?] Ward from 13 March to 8 April 1883. While in Paris on the way there they attend a performance of "Fedora" starring the 'powerful' Sarah Bernhardt. Travelling via Toulouse, they arrive at the border where Frazer tastes Spanish food for the first time. From there they travel to Barcelona, with a long description of a side trip in which they climb Montserrat, to Tarragona and the monastery of Poblet, to València ('a most uninteresting town'), Córdoba (and a visit to the mosque there ), Granada (the Alhambra, cathedral, and Carthusian monastery), Seville (the Museo [de Bellas Artes de Sevilla], cathedral, and the Alcázar), Madrid (the Prado, a view of the King and Queen ['no cheering whatever'], and a trip to Toledo), Vittoria [Vitoria-Gasteiz], San Sebastián, Irun, thence in short order Biarritz, Bordeaux, Paris, Boulogne, Folkestone, London, and home to Cambridge.
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Preliminary leaf serves as a title page, which reads: James G. Frazer. Diary of a tour in Spain, 1883. 13th March - April 8.
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Onderwerp trefwoord
Geografische trefwoorden
Naam ontsluitingsterm
- Ward, James (1843-1925), philosopher and psychologist (Onderwerp)
- Bernhardt, Sarah (1844-1923) actor (Onderwerp)
- Alfonso XII (1857-1885) King of Spain (Onderwerp)