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- Mar.-Apr. 1936 (Production)
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Étendue matérielle et support
3 items
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Histoire archivistique
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Portée et contenu
54 Cours Napoléon, Ajaccio, Corse - In the letter of 6 March, he sends her pictures [not present] of contestants for the Reine de Corsica, asking which she prefers, discusses the politics of the contest, and mentions that he is having a reception for an eminent doctor, and navigating who should be invited is difficult. He mentions the outcome of the Reine de Corse contest in his letter of 23 March, and is leaving a dinner and ball to his friend Comte Peraldi; he would rather consult the manuscript of Cardinal Pilastre in his study of the Ptolemy map of Corsica. In his letter of 11 April, he mentions his younger sister has returned from Algeria and moved to Marseille; friends Mesdames Lem and Labrégère were in Marseille and most impressed with J. G.'s works; knows she is busy with 40th anniversary celebrations, notes that two publications in one year is pretty good, and that J. G.'s first publication was 52 years before.
Appraisal, destruction and scheduling
System of arrangement
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Conditions d’accès
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Language of material
- français
Script of material
Language and script notes
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Zone des notes
Letter of 23 Mar. accompanied by an envelope addressed to the Albemarle Club, 37 Dover Street, London. Letter of 11 Apr. accompanied by an envelope redirected from Trinity College to the Albemarle Club. Letter of 18 May redirected from the Albemarle Club to the Victoria Hotel, Northumberland Avenue, London.