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Add. MS b/104 · Item · [20th cent.]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

The fourth notebook of four into which Ramanujan's Notebook 2 was copied by an unidentified person, catalogued as Add.Ms.b.101-104. Chapter XXI is continued from Add.Ms.b.103. Contents: ff 1-5 Chapter XXI (cont'd); ff 6-12 Calculations 'Copied from the Loose Papers': miscellaneous (ff 6-12), proof for Bertrand's Postulate (ff 13-16), reciprocal functions (ff 16-25), approximate summations of series involving prime numbers (ff 25-44), 'Middle of a paper?' on moduli (ff 45-55), 'The Three Quarterly Reports f the late S. Ramanujan, to the Board of Studies in Mathematics, when he was a Research Scholarship-holder', 5 August and 7 November 1913 and 9 March 1914 (ff 64-118).

Ramanujan, Srinivasa (1887-1920), mathematician
Add. MS b/37/125 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 26 June 1919 - Thanked [Peter] Mackie for giving another £1000 to the [Roscoe] expedition; met the editor of the African Society's Journal, [William] Crabtree, who is writing an article on the expedition; hears [Henry] Jackson is very ill of diabetes; is working on a translation of Apollodorus for the Loeb Library, grudges the time spent on it, wants to return to anthropology, 'my real work'.

Add. MS b/37/126 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 24 July 1919 - [William] Crabtree wrote a notice in the July number of the Journal of the African Society; writes about the illness of Lilly Frazer (a bad cold), [William] Ridgeway (recovering), Henry Jackson (diabetes), and Dr Black (whooping cough); the Peace Day celebrations were unremarkable and the miners are behaving badly.

Add. MS b/37/127 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 1 September 1919 - Julius Tillyard is having difficulty getting passage to Johannesburg, so Frazer is thankful Roscoe left when he did; [Henry] Jackson is recovered; [Grafton] Elliot Smith is going to University College London; they think of wintering in Greece; [Edvard] Westermarck is bringing out a new edition of his book on marriage; both Cambridge and Oxford expect to be crammed with students next term.

Add. MS b/37/128 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 12 September 1919 - Tells him he has asked the Royal Society to sort out his customs problems, recommends he write direct to the Royal Society in future; hopes he is in the field and has employed a competent photographer; Alexander Macalister has died; Henry Jackson is better.

Add. MS b/37/129 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 6 November 1919 - Writes in detail how he has handled the issue of free passes on the railways, etc. by contacting people at the Royal Society and the Colonial Office; recommends he contact [Arthur] Keith of the Royal Society in future; Lilly is still not recovered from the shock of losing her daughter [Lilly Mary Grove], discusses their travel plans; has finished Apollodorus; there are 5000 students at Cambridge, and a syndicate has been appointed to consider the admission of women to full membership of the University; in London they did not suffer from the railway strike.

Add. MS b/37/131 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Hotel Lutetia, Paris. Dated 29 Jan. 1920 - Fears notes Roscoe sent have been lost; asks him not to send them unless he they are kept in triplicate with a copy to the Royal Society; Lilly has been seriously ill but is recovering well.

Add. MS b/37/132 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Hotel Lutetia, Paris. Dated 5 Jan. 1920 - Made a short report out of his letters about the Bahima which was published in 'The Times'; encloses a letter from Sir Herbert Read to Hardy about travel arrangements [not transcribed]; describes Lilly Frazer's illness; Sir John Sandys has resigned the Public Oratorship, W. J. Lewis broke his leg badly in Switzerland.

Add. MS b/37/133 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Hotel Lutetia, Paris. Dated 31 Jan. 1920 - Has received the notes Frazer feared were lost; approves Roscoe's plan of sending home his rough notes just as he took them down; plans to leave Paris and move to Cambridge.

Add. MS b/37/134 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated April 8th 1920 - At a meeting of the Committee of the Expedition [William] Mackie offered another £1000 for the fund, which had been invested in War Loans which had lost value; is planning on writing a fuller report on the expedition for 'Man'; have moved back into the Middle Temple flat, Lilly still has a racking cough; spent a day in Cambridge and saw various friends (W. J. Lewis, J. W. Capstick, and J. J. Thomson, but not Henry Jackson), and has been offered an honorary degree; has had a friendly letter from [William] Ridgeway; has a copy of 'Totemism and Taboo' by 'a German or Austrian psychologist [Sigmund Freud], who borrows most of his facts from me', 'he seems to have a great vogue with some people'.

Add. MS b/37/135 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 28 May 1920 - Suggests he stay among the Banyoro until his informants dry up as he 'may not tap such copious sources again'; reacts to wedding night customs and the temporary king; is attending Malinowski's lectures on the Trobriand Islanders, and asks if he has heard of a custom of giving produce to a wife's brothers; asks if he finds any stories on the origin of fire; will work next on a book on the fear of the dead; Lilly is better but they will go to Evian for a cure in July; mentions the honorary degree; saw [W. H. R.] Rivers, who found lecturing in the United States very tiring.

Add. MS b/37/136 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 7th July 1920 - Lists who he saw in Cambridge at the honorary degree ceremony: Arthur Balfour, the Ridgeways, [William?] Cox, A. B. Cook, Henry Jackson, who is frail; has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society; Sir Peter Mackie has given £3500 in total to the expedition; will send a copy of an article on his work among the Bahima in 'Man'; comments on the customs of the Banyoro; is interested in measurement of all kinds; have seen much of Malinowski; Lilly is much better and editing an anthology of recent French poetry for Oxford University Press, and has a big scheme in mind for developing French in Britain.

Add. MS b/37/137 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 23 July 1920 - Has had some MSS and instructs him to indicate how many packets he is sending, etc.; asks what his plans are; have had workmen in the house; [W. H. D.] Rouse's school [The Perse] has bought 20 acres of land on Hills Road [in Cambridge].

Add. MS b/37/138 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 26 July 1920 - Has received another MSS so everything is safe; is interested to learn about the customs at the salt-works; is glad to hear of his plans to return; asks about cousin marriage; news from Poland and Ireland is grave.

Add. MS b/37/139 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 28th July 1920 - Has received another MSS and reminds him to tie the packets carefully; is looking forward to more; Malinowski has typhoid, but his wife says it is not serious.

Add. MS b/37/140 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 3 September 1920 - Suggests he stop in Egypt to look at the monuments on the way home; Sir Peter Mackie received a Baronetcy, the Ridgeways were congratulatory on the honorary degree and Royal Society fellowship, but he has not heard from Haddon or Rivers; has met Colonels Shakespear and Gurdon, who did anthropology work in Assam; threat of a coal strike.

Add. MS b/37/141 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London. E.C.4. Dated 12th October 1930 [recte 1920] - Wonders if he has received all the Bunyoro material, as he does not have anything on war, religion, and relationships; is glad to hear the Governor will consider a Government Ethnologist, Driberg, whom he knows nothing about, mentions Malinowski, but he is going to the Canary Islands to write his book, [W. H. R.] Rivers has a high opinion of Malinowski, Frazer mentions N. W. Thomas out of work, but he does not rate his anthropology highly; the papers are interested in the expedition.

Add. MS b/37/142 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Hotel Lutetia, Paris. Dated 19th November 1920 - Is glad to hear he is home, is sorry he cannot come to the Royal Society dinner, is abroad for Lilly's health, and she is recovered; Trinity has asked him to give 6 to 8 lectures on anthropology for three years.

Add. MS b/37/143-144 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Hotel Lutetia, Paris. Dated 23-24 November 1920 - On the 23rd, he writes he has heard that a long account of the expedition was published in 'The Daily Mail' and is sorry to hear that such a 'low and vulgar paper' should have the first report of a scientific expedition, 'even Sir Peter Mackie is probably not a good judge as to the proper mode of publishing the results'. On the 24th he says he has written [Sir Peter Mackie] that a full report should be deferred until after the dinner; Lilly has written their friend [Wickham Steed] of 'The Times' about it.

Add. MS b/37/145 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Ovington Rectory, Thetford. Dated 25 November 1920 - Writes his side of the story concerning the article in the 'Daily Mail', condoned by Sir Peter Mackie so that he felt he had no choice; does not believe Mackie is giving him a dinner, and no one at the Royal Society has mentioned a speech; finds the muddle most distasteful and is sorry Frazer is away.

Add. MS b/37/146 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Hotel Lutetia, Paris. Dated 27 November 1920 - Writes in response to Roscoe's defense of the interview with the 'Daily Mail', and states that he could not have done anything else, shares his distate for interviews; does not know the protocol for the Royal Society dinners and thinks he should trust [Arthur] Keith to guide him through it.

Add. MS b/37/147 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Hotel Lutetia, Paris. Dated 5 Dec. 1920 - Is sorry the Royal Society dinner was dull; is preparing a speech to the Ernest Renan Society; wonders if he can recommend anyone to take the Chair of Social Anthropology at the University of Cape Town, thinks A. R. Brown is standing for it, 'an able but eccentric man'.

Add. MS b/37/148 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Hotel Lutetia, Paris. Dated 10th December 1920 - Recommends he follow Sir Peter Mackie's idea of giving lectures, and write a popular account of his travels, thinks he should accept the Cambridge University Press offer.

Add. MS b/37/149 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London, E.C.4. Dated 31 January 1921 - The Royal Society will ask him to give a report on his expedition; Abbé Breuil will give an illustrated lecture on prehistoric caves; is pleased to hear the King has asked the Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill to consult him; asks for a list of those he wishes invited to hear the lecture, suggests Churchill and Sir Herbert Read.

Add. MS b/37/150 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London, E.C.4. Dated 3 February 1921 - Reports on the meeting of the Royal Society: he is to speak on the 10th, there was an objection to inviting the Editor of the London Illustrated News; the balance of the funding should be used towards the expense of publishing the results, and discusses options.

Add. MS b/37/151 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London, E.C.4. Dated 8th March 1921 - Advises him to diregard 'rubbish' printed in the press; has seen Mr Driburgh [recte Driberg?] and gave him an introduction to [George] Macmillan; the photos in the 'Illustrated London News' are very striking.

Add. MS b/37/152 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

1 Brick Court, Temple, London, E.C.4. Dated 9 September 1921 - Asks him to send him the proofs of his popular account of the Mackie Expedition as well as the serious account, as it is a stimulus to his own work; thanks him for his 'Twenty-five Years in East Africa'; asks him to include the information that in the performance of certain rites, the performer had to be a person whose parents were both alive, a rule he has seen elsewhere; is sorry not to see him in Edinburgh, did not have time to prepare a presidential address so had to resign the presidency.

Add. MS b/37/153 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Hotel Lutetia, Paris. Dated 31 December 1921 - Is in Paris, where he gave a lecture at the Sorbonne in front of 700 people; is having a bust made by Bourdelle who will present it to the Museum of the Luxembourg; Lilly's translation of 'Adonis' is out and she is busy getting other books translated; has been asked to write the preface to Malinowski's Trobriand book and [C. W.] Hobley's book.